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"You can't see him now. He lost so much blood, but we were able to stop the bleeding before it got worse." The red-headed Doctor said to Lena and Jay as they walked down the hallway.

"Please Doctor, can I at least see his face?" Lena begged, clutching the Doctor's lab coat. She looked over to Jay with pitiful eyes like she was signalling for him to tell the Doctor to let her see her husband.

Jay took her hand and heaved a long sigh. He knew what Lena was trying to do, but he had no say there.

"I am sorry, ma'am. But you can't go into the ward with me." The Doctor patted Lena's back, hurrying back into the emergency ward. He had rushed out to attend to Lena when she didn't stop banging on the door of the room Darian was receiving treatments.

"Please, calm down," Jay said.

"I can't keep calm, Jay. Don't you get it? Darian is in there, I have no idea what's going on with him. I can't stay here doing nothing, I have to be with him in there, please help me." She stomped her feet on the floor, crying so hard as she walked up and down the corridor. "Please, help me."

Jay checked the time, it was morning already, almost a few minutes past four. Lena hadn't gotten any sleep since they arrived at the hospital. she'd been roaming around the corridor, muttering silent prayers for her husband not to die.

Her eyes were weary, her hair unkempt, the clothes she had on were crumpled and it didn't matter that she had different colours of flip-flops on. All that mattered to her was Darian, she wanted to see her husband, so bad.

"Please have a seat." Jay altered her from walking around. Gripping her hand, he led her to sit on the bench in the corridor. "Please, you have to take it easy, I am sure the boss will come out alive." He assured her.

"Is this how difficult this is?" She looked at Jay.

"What do you mean?" He asked her.

"Being a Mafia Lord or whatever shit you all call this!" She yelled into his ears. "Oh my God, I don't want to imagine the pain he's going through right now." She kneaded her fingers against her forehead. "He takes all the risk of the Dawson family, he does everything for the Mafia because he's the Don. He does everything!" She wiped the tears in her eyes and shook her head.

"Ma'am, I think you need to rest your head." Jay knew that she was tired and needed to rest. Even though she wouldn't stop talking, he still had to make her shut up and let her rest her head.

"Don't tell me that nonsense. I want to see Darian and you are telling him to sleep? I can't and I won't until I set my eyes on him." Lena promised Jay, turning away from him. She got up and headed towards the door that led to the emergency room. She tried to peep through the door but she saw nothing. Groaning in pain, she tossed her legs and hit them against the door.

Jay quickly went to get her when he heard that she was kicking the door.

Lena was angry and so sad. She was scared about her husband, she didn't want anything to happen to him. Darian was all she had, she couldn't lose him now. Thoughts of losing him scared her so much, she tried to shake her head off the thoughts but they kept recurring, totally clouding her mind.

When Lena sat back, Jay took her hand to hold her down in place. "Think about the good memories you shared with him, he would want you to do that now." He said to Lena, that was all he could think so. "The flowers he got you were for your wedding anniversary. He told me that, Ma'am Lena." He smiled.

"Thinking of him hurts so much, I can't stay here when my man is in there fighting for his life."

"He wouldn't want you to sulk, I am sure the boss will want you to be happy while you wait for him to get better."

"This is not working, Jay. Don't say these words to me. All I want is my husband." She said sternly.

Jay backed off from trying too hard. It was obvious Lena would not listen to him, all she was thinking of was her husband.

"Let's wait for him," Jay whispered.

"Jay, I will go crazy if something happens to Darian. Please, let me go in and tell him that I don't want him to leave me alone now." She broke down, tears streaming down her cheeks in fat folds.

"The boss will come out alive." Jay simply said.

Lena looked at him, he seemed so positive about it. She shook her head, trying to have that strong conviction that her husband would not die on that bed. "I hope so, I hope he does come out alive."

The slapping of feet against the floor called their attention. Gaius was approaching them with Talia walking beside him.

Lena felt disgusted by their presence, she thought carefully about why Gaius didn't go in the place of her husband. Jay had told her the whole story of their journey to the hospital. She was initially mad at Darian for hiding it from her, but that wasn't necessary now. She had forgiven him, she just wanted him back, alive.

"Lena," Talia attempted to touch but she flinched, throwing her arms away. "I understand that you are upset." She smiled to hide the mortification that marred her expression. "You will be fine."

"I don't think so, Talia." Lena mouthed. "My husband has to come out alive."

"He would," she let Talia touch her now. She rubbed her back, muttering soothing words into her ears.

"I warned him, but he wouldn't listen to me," Gaius said through gritted teeth. "Those men are dangerous. What did the Doctor say about his health?"

"He's receiving treatments, that was what the Doctor said to us the last time he came out to give an update.

"That's good, I know he will make it."

Lena's eyes moved through the hallway, her vision was blurry with tears.

She saw a figure approaching them, others who were with her were oblivious to the presence of the man who was walking towards them. Lena wiped her tears to have a proper view of who it was, she got really mad when she sighted him.

Jumping to her feet, she scurried towards him, yelling out loudly. "What the fuck are you doing here?" She asked when she was standing in front of him.


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