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"I don't know why I have to come to the casino if there isn't something going on around here," Lena murmured, clutching the handle of the door. "Just open up already!" She yelled out in frustration when the door wasn't opening.

"Don't stress it," Darian said. She scoffed and turned to him. "The doors are locked. So, what now?" 

"What?" Lena lunged her hand at him. "What is what?" Her brows creased in confusion. What was he trying to do? She was stuck with him in the car and he was asking her what?

"Why are you complaining about coming to the casino? I thought you said you love to work." He dialled a number on his phone and pressed the phone to his ear. 

Lena watched him, saying nothing at all. She waited for him to end the call and then she mumbled, "Please open up," 

"What if I don't?" He asked teasingly.

"Why would you keep me in your car? What do I want to do with you here?" She polled him. She was getting uncomfortable and didn't know the exact words to say if he didn't open the door. 

"A nice question," Darian bobbed his head naughtily.  "There are a lot of things we can do in the car. I haven't even thought of any until you mentioned it. So, tell me what do you want us to do here?" He dropped his phone on the centre console of the vehicle and inched closer to her. Lena didn't roll back, she stayed still and let him do whatever that was running through his mind. "Just tell me, what do you want us to do?" He winked at her. His chest was close to her now and the proximity between them made her legs twitch. His voice sent chills down her body, causing goosebumps to spring up on her skin. She opened her lips to talk but the words didn't come out.

Darian gently kneaded his fingers on her cheekbone, they stared into each other's eyes. No words were said, just the fast beating of their hearts heard. He was close to placing his lips on her forehead when a knock at the car's window interrupted them. They jerked away from each other.

Darian groaned when he saw Amy waving at them. She had no idea what was going on in the car because the windows were tinted. But they could see her.

"That was close," Lena muttered silently as she found her purse on the dashboard. "Just unlock the doors already." She said pleadingly.

"Yeah, I have to attend to Amy." He said. Lena scoffed. She wanted to tell him she didn't ask him to open the door for him to attend to Amy, but she ate her words.

Darian unlocked the doors, and Lena got out before he could. She headed into the casino, leaving him behind with Amy. She didn't care what they had to discuss.

"Is Talia in?" Darian asked Amy.

"Yes, she just got in and she wants to see you urgently." Amy smiled flirtatiously.

"Yeah, I will see her now." Darian slammed the door shut and locked the car. "Is there something that I need to know?" He asked her as they walked side by side towards the entrance of the casino.

"Nothing. Talia isn't carrying anyone along in the investigations." Amy halted her steps and slowly pulled Darian back. He turned to her with a questionable glare.

"Are you good?" He saw the sadness that marred her expression.

"Darian, we haven't had time to talk about this." She breathed hard.

"Amy, I am married." He simply said, he knew where she was heading but he wasn't ready for that discussion now.

"I know you are married, I see it but why her?" She questioned, her nose scrunching up in disgust. "Everyone know you to be the definition of a perfectionist and I thought we had something going years back before I left New York." 

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