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Lena woke up to the morning sun glistening into her through the window blinds. She quickly shut her eyes at once to deter the sun from reaching them.

She whined and remembered she wasn't in her father's house anymore, she groaned and yanked the blanket Tina gave to her the previous night, off her body.

She let out a soft yawn, looking around the living room to feel someone's presence. Then, she remembered Tina told her she would leave very early. 

She must have slept for too long, she stood up and thought of where to go, her clothes were in the room she shared with Darian, she didn't want to see him that morning but she didn't have a choice.

She huffed an annoying sigh, got off the couch, and walked toward the room, the door was left open, and she figured he wasn't naked again.

She walked into the room but didn't find him, she heaved a sigh of relief and crouched down on the bed, she was still surveying the features of the room when she heard footsteps approaching her, she turned to check who it was and it was the almighty Darian, she closed her eyes in chagrin. She had hoped she would not see him that morning.

"Where did you sleep last night?" His deep baritone voice echoed through the room, loud and scary but Lena didn't jerk in fear.

Staring at everything in the room but him, she shrugged and said. "You told me to sleep in the living room and that was exactly what I did."  

Darian said nothing, he stood straight, gawking at her but she made sure she didn't raise her head to look at him, she knew his eyes would be bloodshot from how raspy his voice sounded, but she cared less.

He picked up the wristwatch from the cabinet and wore it over his wrist, he adjusted his tie and Lena secretly admired her husband. He looked so handsome in the black suit he wore, his shoe shone so brightly and she could bet it was worth thousands of dollars.

She wished she could stand up and help him with the tie —that was the kind of life she fantasized about with her husband. But she couldn't, she sat down there and watched him do his thing till he left the bedroom.

Darian strode to the garage and the driver was already waiting for him, he took the bag from him while he went to meet with the bodyguards.

"No one leaves or enters this house today aside from Tina and me." He said authoritatively.

They nodded their heads in understanding and Darian left them, he went back to join Jay in the car.




A few hours later, the car arrived at his destination, he clutched his hands together in anxiety, and he raised his head slightly to check if everyone was around. Seeing their cars, he knew they were all waiting for him to show up, he whispered some words to Jay, and they hurried out of the car.

There was a sit-down at Dawson's secret chambers located at Park Avenue, and Darian's presence was highly demanded as the prospective don.

He got into the dark room, and heaved a sigh —he was there again. He could easily make out his seat, and recognized everyone who was seated, even though the room was dark. As he walked towards his seat, Jay followed closely behind.

He sat down and whispered to Jay to lower his gun, he stared at all the faces, and at that moment, a dim light came on.

"Darian is here!" A shrill voice beamed. "Shall we proceed with the meeting?" An elderly man who owned the voice asked them and they agreed without hesitation.

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