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"You should eat now," Darian freed Lena from his hold. She folded her arms against her chest, wriggling her head like a toddler. "Please, you haven't had something nice to eat for days," he looked at her, persuading her.

"Darian," she clutched her finger with his.

"Yes? Do you want me to do something now?"

"Did you tell my dad about the pregnancy stuff?" She queried.

He sighed, he didn't have a relationship with her dad. They used to be gambling buddies, and since he got married to Lena, he had not seen Gavin or heard from him apart from when he called her phone a few weeks back, and the phone was with him then because Lena was locked up.

"I didn't, there is no way I would. This is our business, we should let it stay between us and Lisa, of course. I know you tell her everything, she knows too much about us, but it's okay. I believe you know when and where to draw the line." His voice was stern, but he quickly changed to a soft one. "Why won't you eat?" He asked.

"Darian, I don't feel like it." She rested her back on the headboard. "I don't have an appetite yet."

"We will force one out of you," he stood on his feet, looming over her. Lena fluttered her eyelids, trying to extrapolate what he was about to do. "Please, you have to eat. If you want I can order food for you. Tina went to college, I can easily call her to come to cook for you, I will do anything." Darian stared pleadingly into her eyes.

"Darian, you don't have to. Let Tina be, I will eat when I deem it fit." She said, sighing.

Darian stopped arguing with her, he bent down and pinned her with both hands.

"Darian," she tried to push him away, but it was too late. He pulled her closer and yanked her off her feet. "Darian," she hit his shoulder lightly. "Oh, I was going to eat, I was," she smiled.

"I know you won't get out of that bed if I don't do something about it. It's fine, it's okay, you should stop sulking and get back on your feet." He carried her round the hallway down to the living room.

He met with Jay in the living room, Lena wriggled her legs, feeling embarrassed as Darian carried her like a little child. "Let go of me," she ducked.

"Sorry boss, I didn't know you were busy." Jay bowed, striding out of the living room.

"Just go after him, he has something important to say to you," Lena groaned, he hadn't put her down.

When they got to the dining table, he unhurriedly lowered her down on the dining chair. "Whatever he has to tell me can wait, you are more important now." He said, kissing her cheeks. "Taking care of you is paramount now. Now sit while I serve your food." He hurried into the kitchen before she could speak.

Darian was under the scrutiny of Lena's eyes as he waddled away. Smiling faintly, she looked around the dining room, she had missed many days not eating at the table.

She was back home now and everything seemed right except that she still felt a tinge of sadness whenever she thought about the pregnancy she lost. But Darian assured her they could make other babies. Nodding her head, she made a promise to be conscious of her body henceforth and make sure that she took good care of the next pregnancy she'd have.

Darian walked back into the dining room with a large tray in both hands, he dropped the tray on the glass dining table and crouched next to Lena.

"What did you prepare?" She asked, smiling.

Darian shrugged his shoulders, relieved the smile was back on her face. Even though it was still hazy, he had hope that she would start smiling brightly soon. He would keep on trying until there was a colorful smile on her beautiful face.

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