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Darian drove the car into the parking lot of a magnificent hotel building, he parked and stayed still in the car for a moment.

"Why are we in a hotel?" Lena demanded.

"You know sometimes couples just have to explore. Leave their home to have fun somewhere else. I thought about that and decided to bring you here." He smiled softly. "Do you like it here?"

"Darian, I have thought about this before and you are doing it. It's cool that we think alike." She looked at him, beaming with smiles.

"Let's go in, I already reserved a room for us."

"Sure," she nodded.

"Just stay in the car and let me get the door for you." He scooted out of the car the way he did the first time and Lena laughed loudly. He was spoiling her and she really loved every bit of it.

They were ushered into the reception by the security guard, Darian took Lena's hand as they walked over to the receptionist's desk. She already recognized Darian when he waltzed in, she just handed the keys to the room he had booked for him and he went towards the elevator with Lena. He pressed the fifth floor and they slipped in, allowing the elevator to convey them down.

A few seconds later, they got to the room that was reserved for them.

Darian unlocked the door and they were welcomed with a strong whiff of jasmine mixed with rosewood fragrance and patchouli. The room simply smelled romantic with its coziness hugging Lena's skin.

There was a bright light dangling from the chandelier. Lena smiled, hugging Darian tightly. "This is lovely," she said.

"Stay here Lena, I forgot to pick up something in the car. Just stay right here, I will be back." He told her and she nodded her head. "Sit on the bed, you will like it there." He knew she hadn't seen the notes he left for her on the bed. So, he was pushing her to it, he kissed her forehead and scurried out of the room.

Lena surveyed the room; it was massive, and it had different tiny rooms adjoined to it, one that led to a small living room, study room, and even dining room. She ran her fingers on the paintings on the wall, she finally went back to sit on the comfy king-sized bed and there she found about five notes scattered all around the bed, all in different colours.

She picked the one that was numbered 'one'  and gently unwrapped it, she glanced through and read out. "To the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Lena Dawson, my wife."

She smiled, dropping it to pick the second one. "I love you so much, more than words can describe.  You fill my life with so much joy and I want to love you forever, would you let me?" There was a heart emoji attached to it, she looked towards the door and pressed the note to her chest.

Picking the third one, she continued. "Hurting you felt like death was calling, I died when I saw your tears. I promise that you will never cry again because I will never hurt you anymore."

The fourth one read, "Lately, I have been thinking of what our baby will look like. I am eager, Lena, I want a baby from you." She chuckled when she read that, she wanted a baby too.

She was on the fifth one when the door pulled open to Darian, but she read it before looking up at him. "I am sorry for hurting you, please forgive me and let's start all over again, Lena." She stared and reread the note over and over again, her heart melting.

She had never felt that much love for Darian as she did now. She raised her head to meet his gaze, his eyes were filled with undiluted love that caused her heartbeat to intensify. This man right in front of her was her whole life, she didn't ever want to imagine what life would be like without him in her life.

Married To The Mafia LordOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora