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Lena told her bodyguards off when she got back home, she met Tina at the foyer and asked where she was heading. After she made her know she was going grocery shopping, she let her go.

She proceeded inside, lazily dragging her feet. She was exhausted, but it felt good to see her Father again after such a long time. Reminiscing about the good old days made her feel good. With a small smile tugging her lips, she walked into the living room.

She met Jay and Darian in the middle of a conversation, she waved at Jay and walked past them into the bedroom. Darian couldn't stop staring at her as she waddled inside the room, he excused himself and went after her.

She was about to slam the door when Darian held it down, he pushed the door open and walked in with her.

"Where have you been?" He queried.

"I went out," she relieved herself of the shoes she wore. 

"Where?" He took a step forward to her.

"What's that supposed to mean, Darian?" She flipped her hair and her eyes moved up to reach his eyes. "Do you now monitor my movements, huh?"

"You left the casino without the bodyguards, what do you want me to think?" He slammed the closet, causing her to whimper in fear. "You know what happened at the party last week, don't you? We were sabotaged, we have to be careful and watchful, but you left the casino without any of the bodyguards. What do you think you were doing? What if something had happened to you?" Lena could see the fury assaulting his face. He wasn't cool at all, his eyes were vicious red. 

She wanted to apologize, but she changed her mind. "I am not a baby, I don't need your bodyguards to follow me around. I can take care of myself." Huffing a sigh, she flopped on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. She noticed the lines in between the white material, she started to count the lines as if what Darian was telling her didn't matter at all. She knew well that he would never hurt her no matter how mad he was.

His fingers met his hair and he ruffled angrily, pacing the room. "This will be the last time you will leave your workplace without the bodyguards." His voice was authoritative, the kind Lena loathed so much.

Arching her brows in disbelief, she glared at him. "The fact that I am married to you doesn't make me your puppet." She rose to her feet. Walking up to him, she closed the distance between them. "Look Darian, you won't tell me what to do, I will do what I deem fit to do and you can't stop me!" 

"You are married to me and that's why you will listen to whatever I want you to do for your safety. The enemies are lurking around every corner of the city, we don't know who they are. This is not the best time for you to go out alone. You need to be guarded, I won't let you do this again."

Lena clasped her hands and sauntered from where they were. He was right and she knew that, but she was mad at him for ignoring her since they kissed. He didn't talk to her and now he was worried that she went out alone. Sometimes she didn't understand him, and she wished she could, but he was complicated. Too hard to comprehend.

She climbed the bed and was reaching his height now. "I think you need to look at me clearly to know that I am serious when I said I don't need your goddamn bodyguards to follow me around like I'm a baby. I am a grown-up woman and I can take good care of myself. I am not involved in your Mafia, I am only married to you!"

"You dummy!" Darian shut his eyes. "You are my wife, you're the Boss's wife and so, you are a part of the family. Wait, why are you mad? Why are you yelling at me? I am only trying to look after you here, to save you from an avoidable attack. Why are you making this a big deal?"

"I should ask you that, Darian! I should fucking ask you why the hell you ghosted me for a week after kissing me that night. I should ask you why the hell you treated me like a stranger after what happened that night. I should ask you that, Darian!" She yelled again.

"Is that why you are mad at me?" He chuckled, his lips stretching into an amused smile.

Lena hissed, "I don't care if you think that was nothing and it's not funny, okay?" She was still standing on the bed, arms akimbo. She looked towards the window side, her eyes were gleaming with anger.

"Why didn't you tell me you wanted my kiss again?" He touched her hand. 

"Let go of me," she flinched, pulling away from his grip before it got too tight.

Darian sighed. His fingers raked through his hair again and moved back from her. He felt bad for ghosting her, but he did that not to get too attached to her. The way he felt whenever he was with her was crazy, he was almost vulnerable whenever she was around. 

After the kiss that night, he had gone to his study but couldn't concentrate on what he wanted to work on. All that was on his mind was Lena, thoughts of her messed with his head and he didn't like that. He thought staying away for a while would help, but it didn't either. The more he saw her around the house, the more he wanted to touch her, feel her and kiss her all over again. 

He had lost it when he got a call that she left the casino alone. He immediately sent the guards to search around for her and was only relieved when they reached him, giving him reports of where she had gone to—her father's house. He had asked the guards to stay around to watch her in case anything went wrong.

He cared about her, he cared so much but he didn't want to admit to that fact yet. He threw his hands down and walked to where she was. He grasped her hands and pushed her out of the bed.

"Let go of me," Lena protested, but he didn't listen to her. He pinned her against the wall and caged her with both hands. she pressed her lips together, and looked down at his lips. "What are you trying to do?" She asked, her voice shaky and husky.

"Forget it," he claimed her lips without a notice, gently nibbling them. He looked into her eyes, and his heartbeat increased. That was the feeling whenever she was around, so strong it messed with his chest.

Lena was about to give in to the kiss when Darian's phone began to ring. Groaning, he pulled out of the kiss. Bringing out his phone from his pocket, he walked out of the room to answer the call. 

Lena guarded her heart with both hands, it was beating so loud against her chest that she feared it would fall off her ribcage. Darian always had that effect on her. No matter how mad she was, she couldn't stop him from doing whatever he wanted to do to her. She quietly muttered cuss words at the caller who disrupted their kiss.

"Screw you," Lena cussed, loudly this time.


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