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Darian couldn't take his eyes off his wife. She was curled up in the bed, sleeping peacefully with his hoodie wrapped around her body.

He smiled, ambling over to the bedside. He dropped the keys atop the cabinet and went into the bathroom to have a quick bath. He had to be at the casino that morning. A lot of ammunition was delivered the night before, and Gaius had suggested that they meet up in the casino later in the morning to distribute to each member of the Dawson family and also to sort out the ones they wanted to sell out to other mafia families.

"Good morning," he walked closer to her side of the bed, placing a soft kiss on her cheeks.

Lena moaned, rolling on the bed. "When did you get back?" She asked, carefully kneading her hand on her eyes.

"I just got back," he sat on the bed, looking at her as she stretched her arms. The hoodie she wore the night before was oversized, hiding her hands. She rolled the sleeves up and squinted her eyes as she stared at her husband. "Did you sleep well?" He questioned, leaving her side. He walked towards his closet to find some clothes to wear.

Lena sat up, her eyes ogling Darian's back. She bit her lips and rose to her feet, walking towards him.

"I wore your hoodie, I was cold." She said, taking the hoodie off her body.

"It fits well, you should keep it." He smiled.

"Thanks," she murmured.

Darian picked a pair of grey slacks and a white shirt, he donned them and sauntered towards the mirror to check himself.

"Are you leaving now?" She asked, surprised. She just woke up and he didn't even want to spend time with her? She slanted her head, wigging her head in disapproval. "You said you will be back for me and now you are leaving?"

He sighed. He didn't want to come up with an excuse again, he always did. He wanted her the same way she wanted him, but he had to attend to work.


"You can leave," she said, inhaling sharply. She was angry. She tried to make a normal face but it didn't work. She stopped trying and sagged her shoulders.

The thoughts of Darian leaving her again that morning stung her chest and she spewed out the words she'd been sucking inside of her for a long time. "You said you will be there for me whenever I need you, but you've been the opposite lately. You don't stay with me for long, you spend just a few hours in the house, you are working all night, and you hardly sleep on the bed we share. You bury your head in work all the time forgetting that I have needs too." She sobbed, the thoughts of them all hurt her. All she wanted was her husband, she understood that he was busy but it was getting too much. Even though she always told him that it was fine for him to leave, she still wanted him to stay with her, spend time with her and make her feel good.

Darian halted from doing the buttons of the shirt he wore. He turned to face her, she was sitting on the bed, tears filling her eyes.

"Lena," he touched her, but she flinched, warning him not to touch her again. He heaved an exasperated sigh. "I thought you understand this, I have to work."

"I am not deterring you from working. After all, I am the jobless one in this marriage." She sucked back the tears that threatened to fall after she wiped off the previous ones. "It's fine, you can go. I understand that you don't want to spend time with me, go and work." She straightened up.

He gripped her hand, thwarting her from moving forward. "I am sorry," he muttered.

"That's what you say all the time. You are sorry, you left me last time when I needed you so badly and now you are here leaving very early and you are telling me you are sorry? Of course, that's what you will say." She dragged her hand away from his grip and walked over to sit on the stool that was close to the mirror side.

Married To The Mafia LordWhere stories live. Discover now