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Lena wriggled the pillboxes in her hands, her eyes glued to Darian as he swallowed the pills, he gulped down some water and smiled at her. "Antidepressants pills?" She asked, her eyes popping out of her head.

Darian nodded his head, "Why are you surprised?" He arched his brows, curling an arm around her neck, he steered her to the bedside. "It's nothing serious, but you insisted on knowing what it is. I showed you because we agreed not to keep secrets from each other anymore."

"Yeah," she stared at him. "Why?" She inquired of him.

"Why do I take the pills or why are there so many pills in here?" He took a box from her and lobbed it across the room.

"Both," she retorted.

"Maybe it's an addiction, who knows?" He sniggered at her.

She watched as his lips twitched in a smile, a smile that didn't reach his eyes. The type of smile that was gentle yet held so much pain. "I have been on these pills for a very long time, I took them seriously when I stopped therapy a few years ago."

"Darian," she gave his shoulder a nudge.

"Lena," he smiled and drew her closer. He kissed her forehead, his lips lingering on her head, he didn't want to talk to her about the things he had gone through. They were too rough, too rough she might see him as a different person.

"Why? What happened? Do you mind sharing? Note that I won't judge you if you share with me, but if you don't want to share, then it's fine, I will understand that too. We are not too close to each other, we just became friends and maybe you can't trust me with your secrets yet." She muttered, deep inside of her, she wanted him to share with her everything that bothered him, the things he went through that made him a victim of depression. She wanted to hear them all, she wanted him to open up.

"We are more than friends, I am your husband." He laughed. "I grew up without my parents. I knew who my father was, but I didn't know who my mother was. I have never seen what she looks like, and my father was never around to look after me. While growing up there were rumours that my father abandoned me because he didn't think I was his biological child."

"That's absurd, why would people say that kind of a thing?" A small frown marred Lena's face. "You won't be the Don if you weren't the son of your father, would you?"

"No," he shook his head. "As I grew older, I got to understand that my father couldn't face me because he was mad at himself, he couldn't forgive himself for letting my mother off that easily and before he died, he told me that whenever he saw me, he saw my mother in me and he couldn't bear it, he loved her too much but he didn't fight for her, he let people's opinion of her mattered to him and he lost her at the end."

The words Gaby told Lena about Darian's mother being a hostess came to her mind. "How did he lose her?"

"Everyone thinks she's a harlot because she worked at the casino as a hostess and in those days, the hostesses were known to sleep with the rich gamblers who frequented the casino. My mother was accused of seducing my father. She was rejected and reproached, and after she gave birth to me, a paternity test was conducted to prove that I truly belonged to the Dawson family. After the test, they confirmed I was my father's son, but by then, my mom was gone. She was gone, and the Dawson family ordered that my father never looked for her. He foolishly listened to them. He let go of her, he didn't fight for what they shared and I became the victim of it all,"

"I lacked love from both parents. I lived my life like I was an orphan. It was hard, I learned to struggle on my own, I learned to become my best friend, and got used to my solitude until I was brought to Gaius, who treated me like his own son, but even at that, I still feel void sometimes, I felt incomplete whenever I was with him. I longed for my parents' love. I wanted them so badly. I wanted to know who my mother was because my dad never once mentioned her to me and no one in the mafia was allowed to talk about her. Sometimes I wondered if she was killed by the mafia or if she was just being a coward by not showing herself all these while."

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