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Darian had been gone for two days now, the house was void and Lena missed him terribly. Lisa had gone back to Dallas to attend to some things that required her attention, Tina was having a break from college, and Lena had decided to give her a break from work too, to rest and have fun.

Lena was alone inside the mansion, she wandered around the rooms. From the living room down to the cinema room and all the other rooms she had seen, but they never made use of. Darian's mansion was good for touring, and she did that whenever she was bored alone at home.

She was back in the main building, sorting out different recipes for fried chicken in the kitchen when she heard the doorbell ring. She wasn't expecting any visitor, and Tina couldn't be the one ringing the doorbell, and neither could it be any of the bodyguards. She dabbed her hands with a napkin, sauntering into the living room to get the door.

She pushed the door open to a familiar face, she glanced at the visitor observantly, trying to recall where she had seen her face before.

"Oh, I see you don't remember me." She grinned, walking into the foyer. "I am Thelma, your husband's ex-secretary." She stopped, turning back to face Lena. "I am sorry for my manners, can I go on in?" She asked Lena.

"Sure," Lena pointed towards the living room. "You can go in," she smiled, directing Thelma to the couch. She followed behind, crouching down right after Thelma did.

"I have been here before." Thelma smiled, "Several times before he married you and during my visit, I told Darian how beautiful his house is." She crossed her legs on top of each other, her eyes wandering the living room. "But now that he's married to you and it's my first time here with you as his wife. I would like to tell you that your house is really beautiful."

Lena secretly admired her; she was flawless and had lost weight from the last time she saw her. Her skin glistened, her eyes gleamed as she batted her extra-long eyelashes, and her cleavage was on massive display like it was in an auction. Lena shook her head, she could never reveal that much skin. Thelma looked at Lena, and her expression turned sour. She didn't move her eyes away, she admired everything about Thelma and how gorgeously she was dressed, but there was something else that had her interest. Thelma's impromptu visit, she wondered what she was doing in her house when Darian was not present.

"I heard you resigned." Lena initiated a conversation when Thelma wasn't saying anything.

"Yes, I did. I am now into modelling." Thelma retorted proudly.

"That's nice," Lena smiled. "My bad!" She pressed her hand to her forehead. "What can I offer you?"

"Don't worry about that. I am on a diet, I do not eat randomly. Thanks for offering though."

"Yeah, so why are you here?" She asked Thelma. That was the question she had kept in mind since Thelma stepped foot into the house. "I mean, Darian is not in town and I think you two are the ones who have a business together." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"You are correct about that," Thelma smiled. "But right now, I do not have a business with Mr Dawson but Mrs Dawson. I came here for you and not your husband." The last word didn't sound too pleasant when she uttered it, and the bitterness was evident in her voice. Lena could sense it.

"Is there a reason you'd like to see me?"

"There are a lot of reasons I would like to see you, Mrs Dawson."

"Go on," Lena leaned back on the couch. Crossing her arms against each other, eyes fixed on Thelma.

"You have a cute man as your husband, many women would want him to be theirs, but he chose you. Do you find other women wanting Darian a threat to your marriage?" She asked Lena.

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