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Darian instructed the soldiers to unlock the gates that shielded the dark room. He espied Lena from the parts of the gates that weren't covered, but he didn't see her face.

The soldiers hauled the chains off, falling them to the floor. Lena flinched in fear when she heard the boisterous sound the chains produced as they met the floor.

She turned her back towards the entrance and the lights came on at that moment. She saw her husband standing there, his eyes on her, he looked so broken. She attempted to rush to him and bury herself in his embrace, but she had been tied down. Luckily, she was mildly tortured, just slight bruises marred her smooth face, and Darian's chest burned as he walked in to meet his wife.

"Leave us," he commanded the soldiers.

They bowed their heads and immediately trudged out of the dark room.

"Darian," she drawled, her voice had lost its pitch and she looked sick like she'd pass out anytime soon.  "I didn't do it," she sobbed, tears streaming down her face.

"I know, Lena," he looked away from her. He was truly confused and didn't know who and what to believe. "How are you?" He asked.

"I am not fine, you have to help me out. Help me prove my innocence." Lena whimpered softly, still trying to get herself off the chains that held her down to the chair.

Darian loosened the chain a bit, and when he was certain they weren't too tight on her, he let go.

"I know you didn't do it," he bent to her level, cupping her face, he kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes. "I know you didn't do it."

"Someone is behind this," Lena said. "Someone wants to drag my name in the mud, I would never think of poisoning someone's wine. I can never hurt a human, I can't do that, Darian." Tears rushed down her face in folds, Darian hated to watch her cry; it hurt him too.

"Lena, you have to relax, okay? It breaks my heart that I can't do anything. I wish I could do something to get you out of here." He said through gritted teeth, his hand tightly gripping Lena's. He didn't want to let go of her, watching her in that state broke his heart. "Who gave you the wine to serve?" He inquired.

"The wines were arranged at the bar counter and I was told to serve the men. No one gave them to me, they were arranged according to everyone's preferences and I just served them." She explained to him. "What happened to Gaius, was it poison?"

"Yes, Polonium poison was found in his system. And you served the wine, everyone suspects you." He told her, heaving a tired sigh.

"Polonium poison? I know well that everyone will suspect me, but Darian, you trust that I didn't do it right?" She looked at him, the tears didn't stop rushing. It got worse, and Darian raised his thumb to wipe the tears from her eyes. "Will I be killed?"

"Lena, calm down. I will see to this. I will get you out of here, I just want you to hold on for me, I won't let you stay here for long." He kissed her hands and she bobbed her head. She trusted her husband. "I will order the soldiers to stop torturing you. You don't look healthy,"

"Darian, you can't stop them from torturing me. I understand that you're helpless here. I am the prime suspect because I served the wine." Her eyes fluttered shut, tears dripping down and falling onto Darian's palm.

"Now, I feel so useless. I am the Don but I can't even help my wife out of here." He shook his head.

"That's because your wife almost killed the godfather of the Dawson family. Have you told her that Gaius is in a coma and there is a low per cent chance that he'd come out alive? Have you told her yet?" Judson stepped in, towering above Lena who was glaring at him.

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