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"My dad called, he wants to see me," Lena said, sitting on Darian's lap. She looked at him and chuckled. "You don't like this?" She attempted to get up but he pulled her back.

"I do like it," he said. "Why does he want to see you?"

"Why? Do you want to go with me?" She steadied herself on his groin, teasing him as she romped him. He hissed, glaring at her to stop messing with him.

"You just told me your dad wants to see you. Isn't it right that I ask why he wants to see you?" He moved his hands to her breasts, fondling them against the tank top she wore. She whimpered softly, enjoying the luscious sensation that ran through her body. She had missed his touch so much.

"Hm, Darian. It is."

He stopped fondling her breasts, "Have you found a job yet?"

"No, I haven't. Still job hunting." She responded, noticing how his eyebrows arched. She pointed her fingers at him and shook her head. "Don't think I am lazy, I am really looking for a job."

"You know if it was left to me to decide, I wouldn't want you to work at all." Darian clicked a button on the keyboard to send the email he was compiling before she sat on his lap.

"And you know that I'd never agree to that. I can't be at home and be a liability to you." She kissed his cheeks and got up, striding to sit on the other armchair in Darian's study room. He had been spending most of his time in the study room these days and she made sure she always checked on him to give him food, and fruits and sometimes just keep him company by talking to him.

"It might take a while for me to get the job that I want, but trust me, Darian. I will try hard to get a job." She promised him and he just laughed.

"You don't have to work forever, I can provide all that you need for life." He said assuredly.

Lena knew he was up to the task, she knew well that her husband was a multi-billionaire, and he could provide her with whatever she wanted, but she didn't want to be a lazy housewife at home. She wanted to work for her own money too and she was still hunting for jobs.

"I know right?" She quirked her brows.

"How about you coming to work in my company? I will pay you well." He offered.

Lena scrunched up her nose, "Is there even a post for me to occupy in your company?" She queried.

"I will create one for you." He avouched. "You are my wife."

"And that's the reason I don't want to work with you, Darian. I want to work somewhere else, not somewhere where my husband is the boss. You don't have to worry too much, I will get a job in no time." She jerked her thumb up, smiling and winking at him. "Have you gotten a new secretary?" She asked, chomping on the bananas she brought for him.

"Yes, I got one. She's diligent," he said, typing on the keyboard. He narrowed his eyes on the computer for a long time, carefully reading the contract that was sent to him. Lena watched him, she understood that he was busy now and she didn't push him. When he was done, he clicked a button and clapped his hands in excitement. "It's done! Sealed!" He rose to his feet and hurried to where Lena was sitting. He hoisted her up, swinging her in his arms. "I have been awarded the contract," he told her when he dropped her back on the chair.

Lena giggled, she had never seen him that excited.

"Was it very important for you to win?" She asked.

"Yes, they were three strong bidders but I beat them all. I always do it best though," he said proudly.

"Congratulations to you," She said.

"Thank you. We are celebrating this. Where do you want to go with me? Anywhere, just tell me where."

"I don't want to go anywhere with you, Darian. I am fine just staying home with you by my side." She retorted, twinkling her eyes.

Darian nodded his head in declination, "You won't refuse my treat, would you?"

"No, but let me think about it."

Darian sat back on the chair and started working on the computer. Lena admired his seriousness as his gaze and attention were on what he was doing, he looked so hot, so sexy as he punched the keyboard with his fingers. She wanted to run her fingers through his silky hair, stay in his arms or better still let him work on her body with those lean fingers.

"Darian," she dubbed.

He looked at her, one of his eyes still on the screen.

"If we were to have a child, what name would you give him/her?" She suddenly asked the question out of nowhere. They've never really talked about having children, the only time he mentioned babies to her was when she lost their baby and he was trying to soothe her with his words.

With a small smile tugging his lips, he stopped what he was doing and rested his arms on the desk, diverting his full attention to her. "Are you ready now? Do you want us to have a child now?" He asked flirtatiously.

"I was just asking you a question." She blushed, his sexy eyes did several crazy things to her body. Things she couldn't resist.

"I see," he bobbed his head. "I don't have any names in mind, but now that you have mentioned it, I would keep it in mind and give you a response later."

"Noted," she said, rising to her feet. "I want to get something done on my computer. I will be in the bedroom."

"I will join you soon, don't miss me too much." He smirked at her.

"No, I won't." She chuckled, turning towards the door, but she halted when she remembered she hadn't done something. She hurried to Darian's front and bent a little to place a kiss on his cheeks before sprinting out of the study.

Darian chuckled, stroking his fingers against his cheeks. He loved it when she did things like that.

He was still busy on the computer when his phone started to ring out, he picked up the phone and checked the caller. It was a strange number, he clicked on the accept option and pressed the phone to his ear.

"Who is on the line?" He asked in a stern voice.

"Thelma," her voice sounded softly from the other end. "Darian, we need to talk." She said.

"Thelma?" Darian was surprised. He had tried to call her after she left the company, but her numbers had been unreachable.

"I will send you the address, please create a time to see me tonight." She dropped the call.

"Thelma? Thelma? Hey, Thelma, are you still on?" Darian called, but there was no response. The phone was still in his hand when the notification of a text popped on the screen. He checked through and it was from the same number, he read through the address she sent over and over again, wondering what she wanted from him again.

He contemplated going to see her or not, but finally decided on going. He knew well that something was going on and it was only right that he saw to it.


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