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A month and a week had passed, Darian could now make use of his arm and he was back to work. He was in his study room, busy with a project when Lena walked in with a plate of fruits.

"Hey," she smiled at him, dropping the plate on the table. "I brought this for you, I will leave now." She told him, veering around to leave the room.

"Lena," he called, deterring her from moving. "There is something I would like to discuss with you." He motioned to the vacant armchair. Lena occupied it immediately, eyes on Darian as she awaited what he was about to discuss with her.

"Is it something serious? Does your arm still hurt? I thought you said you were fine?" She asked unending questions.

He shook his head, sometimes he wished Lena would listen to him first before jumping to a conclusion.

"Lena, it's nothing serious." He sighed, "I have to travel for some days, will that be fine with you?" He asked, noticing how her shoulders sagged when he said that.

Lena frowned, "How many days specifically and where do you want to go? A business trip?"

"It's more than a business trip, I must go."

"I see," she raised her eyes, nodding her head. "Do you want me to come with you?" Her face lit up with smiles. She wasn't working, she could go anywhere with him.

"No, Lena. This trip requires just me and my right-hand man. I am letting you know because It will happen soon, but it's best to tell you about it now."

"Darian, how many days will I have to stay alone at home missing you?" She pouted her lips, her eyes were already teary. "I am so scared you are going to fight again, I don't want anything to happen to you anymore, Darian."

He smiled, "I will be fine, and be rest assured that I am not going to fight or kill anyone. I will be safe, I promise."

"I don't believe you, Darian." She shook her head. "I feel there is something you are not telling me and it hurts to think that way."

"Lena," he got off the chair he was seated on and walked to meet her. He sat at the edge of the desk, touching her chin. He looked at her. "I would have loved for you to come with me, but it's impossible."

"More reason I feel something is not right." She shook her head, releasing herself from his grip.

"I don't know why you keep things from me when I tell you everything, from my lowest to my highest, but you keep things from me even after we agreed that we would not keep secrets from each other."

"This is no secret, Lena. I am going on a journey that requires just the presence of me and Jay. You should believe that."

"I do believe you." She said, shrugging. "I will leave now." She said again, attempting to rise, but Darian held her down. "Just let me go, Darian." She whined when he was placing soft kisses on her cheeks.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked her.

"Should I?" She was confused.

"No, you shouldn't." He heaved her up, pressing his head against hers. He looked into her eyes and whispered into her ears. "Hey, don't get mad at me, okay? I promise you that I will be fine." He kissed her fingers and smiled at her. She returned the smile with a small one.

"I believe you," she said.

"Thank you. I will miss you so much but I will be alright." He stated.

Lena blushed, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I know and I will miss you too, but you have to work. Your arm has made you inactive for days, you have to work again, I wish I could help out though."

"I told you before, Lena." He arranged her hair, tucking a few strands behind her ear. "Staying with me and being my wife is enough for me. All I want you to do is to be fine and take the best care of yourself while I am away. Do you promise that?"

"Pinky promises," Lena linked her pinky finger with his and they chuckled. It was beautiful and perfect whenever they did that. When Darian didn't stop gawking at her, she poked his chest. "Go back to your work, I will wait for you in the bedroom."

"Alright, be good. I will join you soon." He kissed her forehead. Lena left the room afterwards, Darian's eyes were on her as she walked out of the room. He got up from the desk and went to sit back on the armchair.

He went back to what he was doing before Lena brought him fruits for him. He picked a berry from the plate and shoved it into his mouth. He nodded his head and was still busy when he heard a knock at the door.

Jay walked into the study, "Boss," he called.

"What have you gotten about her address?"

"It was the simplest to do." Jay smiled, but his expression changed into a scowl immediately

"I got her address," he gave him a document to Darian and stayed back, watching as he flicked through the pages of the file.

"Beautiful and thank you so much, Jay. You've always been here for me."

"I must always make sure that I look after you. Thanks a lot for appreciating me." Jay bowed to Darian. "When do you plan to leave,  boss?"

"I haven't decided yet, I will let you know when I am ready to go."

"Okay, boss." Jay's lips twitched in a smile. He looked at Darian and said. "She will be so happy to know you."

"I don't care what she feels, I just want to clarify some things I was told."

"I understand you better, boss. I will leave you to work."

"I will call for you later when I have decided on when we should go. Jay nodded his head, leaving Darian alone in his study.


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