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Lena woke up to no one by her side, she and Darian had slept together the night before, but now he was gone. She noticed that he had been acting strangely since she told him she loved him, it'd been days since they celebrated their anniversary and she said the love words, but Darian had changed towards her. Even if he would not admit to it, she knew that he was drifting away. She loved him, that was the truth and she didn't know what else to do or how else to go about it, she loved him.

She got out of bed, dragging her feet around the bedroom. She walked out to check if Darian was in his study, but it was empty.

She could have scented his cologne if he was around. Lena sighed, walking back to the bedroom, she sighted Tina curled up on one of the couches in the living room. She ambled to the living room to ask if she had seen Darian.

"Good morning, ma'am." Tina greeted when she spotted Lena.

"Tina, how are you?" She gave her a small smile.

"Very well, ma'am. The boss said I should let you know that he has to attend to something important this morning. He left about two hours ago." Tina relayed Darian's message to Lena.

Lena shrugged her shoulders, wondering why he didn't wake her to tell her about it the night before. She sighed when she thought about emergencies, there was always an impromptu meeting for him to attend to.

Thanking Tina, she strolled back into the bedroom with thoughts of Darian on her mind. She always missed him so much, and now she had to stay at home all day because he didn't want something bad to happen to her again, he had pleaded that she stayed home until they were able to resolve the issues they were dealing with in the Mafia and she had accepted to do so.

She grabbed her phone from one of the cabinets and sat on the bed. Dialling her father's number, she pressed the phone to her ear.

"Dad," she dubbed when he picked the call. "How are you this morning?"

"Lena, I was about to call you," Gavin said over the phone.

"Is there a problem?" She asked, twinkling her eyes.

"Darian brought a car to the house, a very good one. He brought in two more maids to help my maid, and I called to thank you for that. I wasn't able to see him because he didn't come by himself, you know I don't have his phone number, but I can call you to thank him." Lena could sense the excitement in her father's voice as they spoke, but she was stunned, Darian didn't discuss this with her beforehand. "Is he there with you? I want to speak to him." Gavin asked his daughter.

"No, Dad. He has gone to work." Her voice was low. "You are welcome daddy, and I will thank him on your behalf too. How is your health?"

"I am good, very fine Lena. What about you? I see you are getting along with him or is there a problem you'd like to let me know about?" He questioned her.

Lena thought carefully, she sighed and shook her head. There was nothing she could tell her father about her husband. "No, Dad. We are good, take care of yourself, I will visit you soon." Gavin replied to her and they ended the call afterwards.

Lena tossed her phone on the bed. She should be happy that Darian was taking care of her father, but she was mad, so mad he didn't discuss his plan with her before doing them and madder that he had been drifting apart since she told him she loved him. Even though he didn't say the words back to her, she didn't regret telling him because that was her true feelings for him.

She picked up her phone, dialling his number. It rang for some time, but he didn't pick up. She sighed, worried about him. She called again and this time, he picked up.

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