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(Y/N) POV.

As we set off from the Gas Station in yet another stolen vehicle, this time horwired by Natasha, we escaped from Budapest entirely. I was driving since the chaos sisters had both decided that downing a beer was a good idea right before going on the highway. The car was a nice one at least, with a sleek silver finish, leather seats and glowing dashboard.

Natasha sat in the passenger seat while Yelena sat in the back staring out of the window. When I'd asked wexactly where we were going the only responce I'd gotten was "Away from here" so I drove aimlessly across the countryside of Hungary.

"Y'know, this is the first thing I've ever bought for myself." Yelena pointed out, tugging at her jacket. Natasha glanced back at her for a moment. 


"What?" Yelena asked, seeming hurt. "You don't like it?"

Natasha glanced back again. "Is that like a...an army surplus or..."

"Okay! It has a lot of pockets." Yelena insisted. Natasha just chuckled. "Look, I use them all the time and I made some of my own modifications-" Yelena began but then scoffed and waved her hand dismissively.

"Oh yeah?" Nat asked, sarcasm dripping from her words.

"Shut up. The point..." Yelena paused for a moment looking out of the window again. "The point is I've never had control over my own life before, and now I do. I want to do things."

I looked back in the wingmirror for the moment. It looked like a perfectly good vest. "I like your vest and so does Nat, she's just teasing...Popcorn?" I offered, pulling a small packet from my new jacket.

"Yes! I knew it. I knew you would like it." She snatched it from my hand. "Its so cool isn't it? You can put so much stuff in there, you wouldn't even know."

There was a pause as Yelena continued to revel in her pockets and chew on the popcorn. Natasha, by this point, had given up trying to work out where I got the popcorn from and instead took some herself from the small bag on my lap.

"I really don't know where the Red Room is though." Yelena finally said, staring at us through the rear view mirror. "I'm sorry."

"I know." Natasha said. "But I think I know somebody who does."

"Oh yeah?" I asked, changing lanes. "Who?"

Natasha smiled. "We're gonna need a jet."


The wind wipped against my jacket while grass as high as my knees swayed gently. We were in a field, deep in rural Hungary. The sky was a miserable grey and the wind was just as cold and unwelcoming. Natasha was the first to leave the forest and see it.

"I said we needed a jet."

As I clambered out from the brush I saw that in the field was a soviet-era helicopter. It was originally painted white with red stripes but rust and mildew made it look closer to yellow. A door screeched open as we approached, and out walked an arms dealer. Rick.

"Yeah, you know what you didn't give me?" Rick complained, jumping from the door to the ground. "Time or money. I'm not made of jets."

Yelena strolled towards him, finger raised accusingly. "I thought you were supposed to be the best. Like, a real pro."

He folded his arms "Oh, I beg your pardon, Tsarina. Was the free flat and the lifetime supply of Kissel not to your liking?" Sarcasm dripped off of every word.

Yelena rolled her eyes. "Ha ha."

I stood back for the moment, letting Natasha take the lead on this one. "Don't let her wind you up." Natasha said.

"No." Rick replied. "I take exception to impugning my professionalism."

Natasha ran her hand over the tail end of the helicopter, feeling for any damage. "Well, you did set me up with a generator that crapped out after six hours."

Rick scoffed, pointing between Yelena and Natasha. "You too, huh? Tag team."

Yelena started walking towards the front of the helicopter and mimicking Natasha. "Aww, he's sensitive. See why you keep him around." Yelena said while misting up the window screen and wiping it away.

"Once you're done checking it can I get the money you owe me?" He asked. At this point I stepped forwards. Apparently, Yelena had a duffel bag filled with money from the apartment and neither of the sisters wanted to carry it. Natasha also insisted that I'm the only one with superhuman strength.

I chucked the bag at Rick's feet, finally noticing that I was standing there the entire time. "Thanks. Is everything-" He went to unzip the bag but stopped. There was a flicker of recognisation on his face. "Hello. Its been a while."

"Yeah it has. What was it last? Siberia?" I asked, a twin smile across our faces. He'd doubled his investment on that mission.

"Yes it was. That's why I don't need to check the bag." He replied while walking back to the Helicopter and pulling out a crate. Meanwhile, Natasha and Yelena were happy with its condition and had joined me near the door.

"Here's the rest of it." He said while carefully placing it on the grass. Yelena snatched an energy bar from near the top. "Ooh." She said, unwrapping it.

"I stashed that, like, five years ago." Natasha remarked while we both rummaged through the remaining equipment in the box. Yelena took a bite out of the bar.

"How is it?" I asked and she spat it out onto the grass.

"Dry. Very dry." 

Yelena clambered into the helicopter, boots clanging on the metal floor. I sorted through an assortment of arms and armourments in the crate. There was a sniper rifle, new white costumes for all three of us and bullets galore. Just as I was about to reach the bottom of the crate I saw something that made me jump back instinctively. "Why is there an RPG in there? Nat, why did you order an RPG?" 

She looked just as surprised as I did and carefully picked it up. "Yelena!" 

Yelena's disembodied voice came from inside of the helicopter. "What?" After a few seconds, she poked her head out. Then, she saw Nat holding the RPG. "Oh. I thought we might need it."

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