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Play song up there /\

(Y/N)'s POV

WARNING references to murder and death

I stayed with Natasha for the first week of her recovery and we mostly just talked and messed around in her room for most of the day. Sometimes she would ask me to do something like read to her or let her massage me and by now I had learned that if I didn't do it then I would get the silent treatment so I would always did what she asked.

We seemed to ignore the subject of my history until about a week and a half after I had told her originally. Natasha and I had both fallen asleep inside of her room since we had spent most of the day relaxing. I was sat on a poofy chair by her bedside and she was lying down in her hospital bed.


I walked down the streets of Sokovia away from the highstreet and towards the region where my home was located. The streets were filled with ash and dust from the bombing raids which occured every month or so and the adults generally sat smoking pipes or drinking alchohol. The children ,including myself, usually play football in the streets but now it was late at night all of them were at home trying to eat their dinner.

No-one looked up at me as I walked calmly through the alleyways and side-streets of the city. I stepped in a surprisingly clear puddle and turned, stopped and looked at my reflection for the first time in a long time. I still had my muscular and defined figure but my (H/C) hair was now srcaggly and filled with bits of dirt. I wore well worn baggy trousers and a hoodie which was slightly too small. My face which always seemed to have an undertone of hatred in its expresssion was now just a normal and plain face without any of the signs of the anger that festered beneath.

I watched for a while seeing how different I had become from just a year ago when I had arrived. I shook my head and continued to walk forwards with a smirk. I strolled at a normal pace until I heard the sound that made the blood of everyone around me turn frozen and cold.

The airraid sirens.

Leftover from WW2 it was the only protection or warning that the wretched government of this nation gave to help its citisens through the bombing raids. The effect was instant. The stroll I had been on before dissipated into a rapid run while all of the shops closed and all of the people rushed inside into basements or shelters. Our apartment on the other hand did not have such a basement and so we had been lucky to survive for so long.

I raced through the streets and I soon heard the sounds of gunfire and bombers soaring through the air with a scream. I watched as the planes screamed the call of death and destroyed all of the houses in their wake and I tried to race them so that I could make sure that Oleg and Iryna knew that I was safe and not dead. I wouldn't die even if one of the shells hit me directly but they didn't know that. So I ran.

I turned a corner and onto our street and made a beeline for our apartment. I heard the screaming of death from behind me and internally swore.

Damn me if I wasn't going to get there first and protect my family from the impending bomb. I raced the fighter jet down the road and I was losing ground rapidly. Okay, time to call in the big guns.

I focused upon staying calm and left my mind with simple instructions.

Outrun the bomber. Keep my family safe.

I ran as fast as I could dodging past obstacles before they even became an issue and nearly caught up to the plane and just as it neared the objective of home, it werved right. I still raced towards the house unaware that the plane was simply going around for a bombing run. 

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