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(Y/N) POV:

It was about three hours after the fight in Sokovia. Natasha had stayed by Clint for around an hour and a half while he healed and I went straight to our apartment and collapsed onto the bed groaning into the soft mattress. Once Natasha walked inside we did our usual after-mission routine. 

Painkillers, Massages and junk TV.

I was just nearing the end of my massage from Nat when Jarvis interrupted. "There is a meeting about the remnants of HYDRA and which one the team is going to target next in five minutes."

I groaned loudly and I could practically feel Natasha rolling her eyes. "Literally every time I am getting my massage." I grumbled before throwing on a shirt and walking towards the door.

"Don't worry I will give you your massage later." She calmly said while walking out of the door next to me.

"But you always get yours done before our mission meetings...Alright next time I'm going first." I pronounced. Natasha just shrugged and kept on walking

"Fine with me." 

When we reached the glass walled meeting room everyone else was sat down already and our seats were not taken. Me and Nat always took two seats on the right of the table next to each other so that we could have subtle physical contact throughout.

One time Bruce sat where I normally did and I sat where he did so throughout the entire breifing Natasha was acting slightly ticked off at everyone and as all of us had learned over the past year.

Angry Natasha was a force of nature.

So from then on there was a silent agreement that we sat next to each other. We both sat down and I placed one arm on her shoulders while I used my other hand to pour myself a glass of water.

"Good the conjoined twins have arrived." Tony jabbed earning a glare from Natasha. She was very good at those and the Billionaire instantly shrank away from us with his hands up in surrender.

"Anyway." Steve said standing up and swiping at the currently blank screen. "We are here to look at the remains of HYDRA. Thankfully Sokovia was the central node of their communications system so now all HYDRA bases are cut off from the resources of the others. With the military aid of the UN peacekeepers who have been offered to help us get rid of the last few dregs, we should get rid of them entirely within a few months." Steve said with a large smile

Everybody cheered slightly at that.

"Now onto possible threats. Number one is Sargeant Johanas Eclandar. He is the head of the surviving south american branches and he has the best defenses currently." Steve continued. He explained the top ten leadership threats each with a picture and a small explaination of who they are, what threat they actually have and how to deal with them.

Then finally the part I had secretly been waiting for arrived.

"Now, here's the identity of the enhanced that we were facing a few hours ago." Steve pronounced while I took a large sip out of my drink. "Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. They are-" Steve tried to continue but I spat out my water and half choked on some of it causing a scene.





I started coughing for a while and the meeting stopped. Natasha was helping me to begin breathing properly again but she also had a similarly shocked expression on her face.

"You know them?" Steve asked utterly baffled as to why that had happened.

"They're dead Steve. I watched them die." I was adamant about this because if they weren't dead...

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