The end of the beginning

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Natasha POV:

I decided to try and ignore that strange feeling of emptiness that had entered me. Instead I just layed into the punching bag. I stood there for a good hour and a half bruising my nuckles and feet as I let out all of this pent up emotion out on this one punching bag.

Every Kick allowed me to ignore those warm fuzzies that I got whenever I looked at (Y/N). Every punch allowed me to ignore the cold pit that was slowly growing inside of me now that he was out there risking his life again without me to protect him or at least help him. Memories of all of our time together came crashing into my mind as my relentless offensive continued. Every time that he had made a stupid joke when we were on call in different countries. Every time that I had made a stupid joke and his smirk sent me through a looptyloop of emotion. Every time in the last few months that I felt whole by just being in his presence and how now, when he was gone, it was like a part of me was gone as well.

This wasn't just friendship. I knew friendship. I had been friends with Clint for years now and of course he made me laugh and he made me smile but he never once sent chills down my back with a glance at my body. Never once did his smirk make me become overwhelmed with butterflies in my stomach and never once on a mission did I feel like I had lost a part of me when he left.

So if this wasn't frienship what was I feeling? 

Was it just pure attraction? 

No. I have felt that before too and none of it matches up with my emotions right now. The only thing that that leaves is love. But it can't be love, love is for children.


"Someone is annoyed." I heard a familiar voice call out from behind me. I turned and saw Clint standing in the doorway with his arms folded and a small smile on his lips.

"What do you mean?" I asked stopping my attack on the punching bag.

"Whenever you are working through your emotions you start mindlessly attacking something. I know. I have been on the receiving end. My only question is what could you possibly be trying to work out?" He stepped further away from the doorway and I stood silently wondering if he could actually work it out.

"This isn't some small thing because then you would have stopped by now. It has to be something you don't understand still or you would have stopped. So, what emotion are you aware of but do not have the slightest clue how it works?" He muttered mainly to himself. I had to admit that I was slightly impressed that he had worked this out but let him play this game out in his head.

"Well It can't be any of the negative emotions because you understand them very well. It can't be any of the basic emotions because you would understand them too. So it has to be a complex positive emotion...Empathy perhaps?" he joked.

I simply looked disapovingly and raised an eyebrow. Not saying a word.

"Okay jokes aside what could it be?" He continued "You've never understood the positives of relationships...Love!"

My face instantly flushed a tinge pinker than my normal shade. Dammit my body was betraying me!

"Ooooh. Is it really true that THE Natasha Romanoff is in Loooove?" He leaned forwards.

I sighed and turned away backing towards the door.

"Oh no you are not getting out of this! I AM going to find out who it is and when I do...Oh when I do." He got an evil grin on his face.

I instantly responded by grabbing his shirt and looking menacingly at him.

"Iwillsupportyoufully!" He burst out at lightning speed. I let him go.

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