The Truth

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Yeah. I do don't I?" I responded seeing the steelyglares of captain america and hawkeye on me. I couldn't do a two on one against them unless I went subconcious again so defusing the situation was key.

"Is there a seperat section of this ship not connected to the main area? preferably soundproof?" I asked one of the pilots. He was in thought for a second before responding.

"There is always the cargo-bay. Its got thick walls to make sure that if any explosives go off in there then she ship is fine. No one outside would hear a conversation down there." He responded.

"Thanks. Tell everyone that the cargo-hold is off limits on penalty of death. Literally." I said using my more terrifying voice.

He nodded and everyone heard the anuncements through the comms.

"Guess we're headed to the  cargo hold then?" Asked Clint.


We all made our way down and I spent about five minutes scanning the room for cameras or hidden recording devices. I found none. The room was large and filled to the brim with crates and boxes covered with the SHIELD logo with some parts having sheets covering stacks. Guns were placed on racks on the walls suggesting that this was also used as the plane's armoury. Clint and Steve were sitting on  a crate each looking over at me as I pushed the other boxes around and kept on tapping at the side of my helmet to look for any signs of anyone listening in on us.

"We've been sitting here for five minutes (Y/N) you gonna tell us how you're connected to a Nazi or not?" Steve asked his usually kind eyes trying to supress emotion.

"Okay." I started and sat down on one of the many crates. "If we are going to do this then there are going to be a few rules." They both nodded. "One, if this gets further than this room then you die. Two, if I find out any edvidence that you have told SHIELD to open up a new case file on me then you die. And three, you are not allowed to try to kill me during the course of this or you will both..." I wave my hands signaling for them to finish the sentence.

"Die yeah we got it." Said Clint.

"Okay it all started during the Nazi Regime when Hitler realised that the perfect aryan lied within science rather than the eradication of other peoples-


An office in central Germany.

"Ich habe Sie Doktor genannt, weil mir gesagt wurde, dass Sie der weltweit führende Genetikprofessor sind. Sie haben Maschinen geschaffen, die die DNA verändern können, und Sie waren in der Lage, Tieren scheinbar auf wundersame Weise Eigenschaften von anderen Tieren zu verleihen. Du bist deinem Gebiet um Jahrzehnte voraus, aber weigerst dich, deine Geheimnisse zu verraten. (I have called you here Doctor because I have been told that you are the world's leading genetics professor. You have created machines that can alter DNA and you have been able to give animals traits from other animals seemingly miraculously. You are decades ahead of your field but refuse to give away your secrets)."

"Das bin ich in der Tat, aber wenn mein Ruf voranschreitet, werde ich meine Geheimnisse nicht in die Hände derer fallen lassen, die die Macht Gottes missbrauchen könnten. Ich habe das Wissen, das Leben nach meinem Willen zu gestalten und zu biegen, und niemand sonst wird es wissen, solange ich lebe. Wenn Sie hoffen, mich davon zu überzeugen, werden Sie scheitern, es gibt keine fatale Entschädigung, die ich genug schätze, und wenn Sie mich töten wollen, dann tun Sie es. Ich habe die Unentschlossenheit satt.(Indeed I am but as my reputation proceeds me I will not let my secrets fall into the hands of those who may abuse the power of god. I have the knowledge of how to shape and bend life to my will and no other shall know it for as long as I live. If you hope to convince me then you will fail there is no mortal compensation that I value enough and if you are going to kill me then do it. I grow weary of indecision.)"

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