What a lie

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(Y/N) POV:

three days later:

A lot had happened in the past three days. The team seemed to have split over what they wanted to do. Me, Steve and Sam had all decided not to sign simply because it conlifcted with our morals. Natasha, Tony, Rhodey and Vision had all decided to sign off of the treaty. Wanda hadn't decided yet.

There was a huge amount of tension between us in those few days and the two groups seemed to distance themselves from the other with the exception of me and Natasha. I'd spoken to her about the plan I'd made and after a good long while of talking it over, expressing emotions and working out what we both wanted, we came to an agreement. We would both spend three months either doing charity work/working for the UN and then spend the next three months together in an alternating pattern. This was agreed to by the committee via Secretary Ross as a special clause in Natasha's section of the agreement, with the exception that if the committee declares an Avengers-level emergency has occured then Natasha would need to go on duty.

I instantly began searching for a new Charity to aid. It turns out when you application says Avengers on it there are a lot of doors that open for you; so I already had a well-paid job working for the red cross set up for me to begin in a few months. I would work in the most dangerous areas of the world and give aid to the people living there while protecting the members of the Red Cross who came with me.

I was happy and I had a good life ahead of me. Due to this amicable nature me and Natasha were chosen to go and oversee the signing of the Accords since we represented the veiws of the Avengers as a whole. Both those who chose to sign and those who chose to move on with their life.

The media exploded about how Captain America had refused to sign and everybody seemed to have an opinion on the subject. From the smallest radioshow host to the internationally reported news this was the only topic of conversation on display world-wide. Most were hostile to my veiwpoint but a great many were supportive. Many media outlets liked the honesty we showed and Natasha had convinced me to leak that I was going to work for the Red Cross after the accords were signed. This made a lot of people have respect for those who were leaving, since many had been worried that we would turn into a vigilante group opposed to the UN group.

The leak of my plans allowed many people to realise that even though I didn't want to sign, that didn't mean I didn't want to help the world. It created a layer of trust in us. All of us. All of the Avengers former and current.

A layer of trust that was going to break into hundreds of peices.

"What food does Vienna have that I've not had already?" I asked Natasha as we talked on the phone. I was sat down on a very comfortable sofa in a very expensive hotel paid for by the UN. Wearing a suit and tie that I had been using when the cameras were flashing before my eyes.

I had been invited to the before-meeting where they showed off the accords and got all of the publicity but I had been kicked out for the actual signing. So, I had returned to the hotel to lounge about and pretend I was rich.

"Wiener Schnitzel...Goulash. Why are you asking me this while I'm in the room next to the UN voting chamber?" She questioned slightly exasperated.

"I'm hungry and I wanted to call you before you went inside. The two melded together." I answered and she replied quickly. "Mmhmm. Okay well I hope you enjoy your food but I really have to go." She told me and I heard from the other end her whispering something to somebody nearby to her that she needed a second before she could sign something.

"Okay. Bye Dorogoy." I said and she mimicked my words exactly before hanging up. I looked up online what both of the options Natasha gave me were and after throughly looking at both I ignored them entirely and chose to just get something simple from room Service. A few minutes passed as I brushed up on my Austrian-style German before I surveyed the menu and went to walk towards the telephone for room service when a chill went down my spine.

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