Old Habits

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(Y/N) POV:

It was early the next morning when the gunshots started going off. My eyes opened and I bolted up in bed to the sight of explosions and smoke arising from outside of the window. Not knowing whether this was a rival mafia or The Accords, I stumbled from the silk sheets and rapidly put on some random jeans and a plain black t-shirt that was hung up in the wardrobe. 

Just as I had finished getting changed Alyssa and two bulky men who were at least 6'4 burst into the room. Alyssa was wearing the nightgown from earlier but with a bulletproof vest above it combined with a pair of handguns and ammunition at a belt that had been hastily attatched. The men were obviously made members of her mafia wearing high-class suits with a sub machine gun armed and ready in their hands.

"Clear!" Shouted one of the men while Alyssa rushed in and handed me one of the pistols and some ammunition.

"Rival or Swat?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Doesn't matter. They're shooting so I'm shooting back. Tony and Otto will escort you to a getaway vehicle and then to the runway but you're going to have to shoot your way out." She told me while nodding to the two men in the doorway who flanked either side of me.

"You going to be okay?" I asked and she just chuckled.

"Okay? Its been ages since I've been in a proper firefight! I'm fucking amazing!" She shouted while quickly kissing me on the cheek and rushing towards the hallway. I waited for her to leave sight but she just rolled her eyes and pointed left. "Go Moy Prizrak! You have planes to catch and a government to run from!"

So, swiftly, me, Tony and Otto walked out of the room and down the corridor towards the garage. In the distance I could hear Alyssa shouting orders to her guards. "Alright! Some fuckers have decided to come into our house! They have killed our family, our brothers and sisters...Let us show them why the Belovna's run this city!"

Her words echoing down the corridor, we escaped through the chaos and the gunshots easily due to the almost military prescision of Tony and Otto. Every rounded corner was checked and cleared before we went down them and the few stray soldiers- yes it was indeed The Accords- who we discovered were gunned down before they could radio our position.

In fact, the only time I actually got a shot in was when we had to fight our way into the garage which had been cordonned off to stop escape. Overall, the operation was swift and precise.

An hour later I was on the runway.

Two hours later I was on an untracable cargo plane hauling me over to mainland Europe and the Schengen area where I could hop across a continent with ease.

Three hours later I contemplated whether I should have just stayed with Natasha.


Some weeks later:

I walked slowly down the streets of a backwater town in Western Germany, a bag of groceries in hand while rain poured down from above. To be precise I was in Osthagen, a town that had successfully been evading law enforcement for years due to the domination of organised crime in the area.  Police and Swat were gunned down or bribed within a day of entering the city and everybody who had a choice tried to stay away. 

So obviously it was the perfect place to lay low for a week, gather my thoughts and plan out the next few months. I had bought a crappy room in a hotel there that was up to date on its protection payments so the only trouble I had was pretending that the gunshots I heard at night were fireworks.

At this particular moment however there were no gunshots and I was in the middle-class area of town where I could shop in peace. That was until I heard the distinct sound of someone getting the shit kicked out of them coming from an alleyway on the left. I walked past it at first without a single word or hesitation. But then I stopped.

The Phantom (Black Widow x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora