A run in with an old acquaintance

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Natasha POV:

The hotel was cheap.

The matress was slightly damp, the floors were uncleaned and there was a slightly sour smell oozing from the walls. That didn't matter. All that mattered was that no questions were asked when I requested a room, dripping wet and bloodied. 

It took quite some time, wrapping up my wounds with cornershop bandages and cleaning them with some vodka. But, with some sheer will, a swig of the vodka and a grimy mirror,I got it done. I looked down at what was left in the sink and turned on the faucet (tap) washing away the spatters of blood across the bowl wondering whether the red room had sent my attacker. It certainly made sense. Yelena was on the warpath to get revenge on Dreykov and she'd just visited me, someone who also had a grudge against him.

I was about to turn away from the mirror and dry myself up when I noticed the torn set of photographs. I had pulled it out of my pocket and set it down on the side of the sink so that I didn't smudge it more with the water from the river.

I turned it over, ignoring the smiling faces in the pictures, and stared at a postcode. Written in pen was a postcode which I could remember from a time long since passed. Budapest. Considering how I had almost died, there weren't many options. I couldn't afford to change my hideout this early without heading back to my campervan to get more money where, doubtless, The Red Room was already waiting.

I turned my head and gazed at the small bundle of cash inside of the emergency go bag I had managed to wrangle. There was enough to make my way to Budapest. Barely. 

There wasn't much of a choice really. 

Either I get hunted until I run out of money and holes to hide in...Or I try to kill the hunter. With a heavy heart I crumpled up the photographs in my hand. One single word on my lips as I decided where I was going.



Yelena had been quite helpful in how she told me the location of her hideout. The same one I had used so long ago when I had broken from the Red Room mind control chemical agent. I knew it well enough so I booked a flight to Budapest, used the little money I had to catch a bus and then walked right up to the door of the safehouse.

It was a large apartment in the middle of a complex in the city centre. Rich enough to be unsuspected by enemies, poor enough that the owners didn't look too carefully at the finances for the room. 

I stood outside of the door with a pair of hairpins in hand, trying to open the lock as quietly as I could. Obviously I didn't do it as quietly as I had thought because from the other side of the door Yelena's voice called out casually.

"I know you're out there." 

Swiftly I unlocked the door with the pins and pulled a handgun I had been hiding from underneath my jacket and the waistline of my jeans. 

"I know you know I'm out here." I responded in what I hoped was a calm and controlled tone.

The door creaked open loudly as I opened it into a long corridor with open doors left and right. Unsure of where she was or if I could even trust her, I held my gun before me and scanned every room I passed for any sign for her.

"Then why are you skulking about like its a minefield?" The disembodied voice of Yelena asked, echoing through the corridors.

As she said this, I looked through a doorway on my left to see a storage cubboard filled to the brim with rifles and other firearms along with enough ammunition to keep up a sustained firefight for hours.

"Because I don't know if I can trust you." I replied while scouring the few rooms left until I reached the end of the corridor.

"Funny." I heard the distinct sound of a gun being loaded "I was about to say the same thing." 

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