Spider Bite

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Smut warning (you're welcome)

(Y/N) POV:

2 weeks later

A lot had happened in the two weeks since the fall of Ultron. There was a funeral for Pietro as well as a national celebration of his life in Sokovia. Thousands of people lit candles in the streets in his memory across the nation. Me and Wanda went to see the celebration that were held nearby and we got a...mixed responce. Many people were happy to see us and we ate lunch with some people who were saved due to our efforts. But there were others...One man spat on my shoe as he walked past and a child threw a small pebble at Wanda which she caught with her magic.

We left after the pebble was thrown. Ever since the funeral I had been supporting Wanda through her grief and when I'm done doing that Nat helps me deal with mine. Wanda would have been in a lot worse shape mentally if it weren't for the new Avengers scheme Steve came up with. He decided that we needed to expand the team and once I suggested to Wanda that she should join her mental health has gotten slowly better. She has been focusing her all into being the best hero she could be.

That brings me onto the next topic. The Avengers. The Tower was shut down by Stark since he decided to build a new compound specifically for the Avengers rather than sharing his corporate centre with us as well.  The new compound was an old SHIELD base in upstate New York that Stark bought off of the government, so everything we needed the building to have like bulletproof glass and high-tech capability was already installed. Since me and Natasha formerly lived at the tower we are both going to live in the new compound when it is fully furnished and holds all of our equipment.  which will be in about a week. In the mean time, me and Natasha have moved into a small apartment in a town nearby.

The other major things that have happened is that Clint officially retired from the Avengers and he got an official going-away party with it (courtesy of Stark). Which may have led to a drunken arm-wrestling tournament between everyone. Surprisingly though, Wanda came in second after Thor because powers were allowed.

Thor announced that he was going to be leaving once the new team had been finalised and Stark created a new specific branch of the Stark Relief Foundation called the Pietro fund specifically catered to the recreation of Sokovia's capital city.

Oh and Bruce was just...gone. At the end of the battle aparently Hulk was in control and just flew off into the unknown in stealth mode. It hit Natasha hard because she blamed herself for landing the Jet out in the open. Eery now and again I would catch her beating herself up about it and I always tried to comfort her.

I thought over all of this while I swung around boredly in my chair. I was waiting for Steve to be ready since we were supposed to be starting the "New Avengers" program today but Thor was saying his final goodbyes to Stark and Steve right now and I had to wait until they were finished. Natasha was standing in a hallway nearby scrolling through her phone while I was waiting in my office.

Because apparently I have an office now. I don't even know what you do in an office like, they gave me a stapler...but no paper to staple together. There's just a small room with a window, chair, desk, computer and a stapler. 

So I did the logical thing and bought a bouncy ball to throw aroud the room to occupy my brain while I wasted my time. I sighed and threw the ball down at the floor hard. it flew upwards and towards the ceiling where it then bounced off of the wall and towards where my hand was located.

My arm jerked up for a second and the ball went directly into my palm.

Hey what was that for? I would've caught that!

Sure you would have...even if you were ten degrees off of catching it.

I could practically hear the eye-roll in his voice. 

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