I'm not adorable

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(Y/N) POV:

I moved my queen forwards to take Tony's bishop across the checkered board and looked at his expression. He suddenly smirked.

"I knew you'd do that." He stated pompously and then moved his rook to take my pawn and simultaneously put me in check while endangering my queen. "Check." Me reminded me and I rolled my eyes. I carefully scanned the board and realised that the only way to stop a greater loss I needed to sacrafice my best piece.

"Greater good theory never fails." I said and shielded my eyes from the sunlight peeping through the window. I had woken up this morning and my wounds had healed. Natasha told me to get it checked out by Tony and he said that it truly had healed and nothing had changed. But, since he was bored he challenged me to a Chess match where the loser had to give the other some advice because apparently we both needed some.

I moved my queen into the space where the Rook could take it. Tony smiled and took my peice with his. "That's what they all say. Cap, you, Nat everyone. I think I'm starting to get it." He mused and I sighed annoyedly at the three real options I had to stop check-mate and from the looks of it he had acconted for all of them.

Want me to do the heavy lifting for you?

No. I can do this by myself.

"Here I was thinking you were heartless." I said and he dryly chuckled.

"I have one you just can't see it." He pointed out but I shrugged.

"I'll neeed proof."

"You'll see it on my gravestone Casper. I'll have my heart removed and placed in myheadstone or something just to spite you." He added but I shook my head in doubt.

"Sure you will and what will that headstone say exactly?" I asked still looking over my situation and which path caused the least damage.

"It will say...proof that Tony Stark had a heart...or something like that." he replied and I tutted in responce.

Like he's actually gonna do that.

I focused more on the board and quickly analysed my options to work out that I actually had a fourth option that Tony had not seen. I quickly castled my king. Tony hit his head lightly with his palm and tutted to himself.

"Forgot that was a rule." He said and I nodded. He quickly moved his rook away to allow it to get more coverage across the board. I smiled and moved my pawn to the last row and transferred it into a queen which simultaneously threatened his remeaining rook, Bishop and King.

"Check." I stated and he looked slightly impressed.

"How did I not see that coming?" He asked more to himself.

He moved his king away and I effortlessly took his Bishop without any consequences. He nodded having expected this outcome and then followed it with a quick furrow of his brow and moving his Rook to capture my knight which left my king blocked in by a pawn with nowhere to go that could save it.

"Checkmate." He pronounced and I knocked my King over signalling defeat. "Guess I have to help you out tin man. Lay it on me." I responded while setting the board and peices aside and leaning back in my chair within the lounge of Tony's living space within the compound.

"So, I've been having trouble sleeping and I heard you have a similar issue." He began and trailed off.

"Nightmares?" I asked and he confirmed. "Nightmares."

"Ever since Sokovia I've started to think about all of the people that we've hurt. There are so many people that have died because of us. So many people who might be alive if we were a little bit cleaner doing our job. And ever since I realised this my sleep has gotten worse and worse. Nightmares plague me when I do get to sleep and when I'm not doing something my mind keeps slipping back to the image of Sokovia being obliterated and meteorites falling on the main city. All of it because I decided to try to play god." He stated and then stopped for a moment leaning back in his seat and sighing.

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