I think I'll stick around for a while

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About twenty minutes later the jet landed on the Helicarrier and Steve, Clint, me and the medics rushed straight  towards the medical wing of the ship. Within a minute Natasha was in a hospital bed with the air in her wounds being siphoned off into tubes away from her and a gas mask being put on her face. We watched through the window for a while and saw the doctors doing their checks to assure she was okay.

Fury silently slipped behind us "I got conformation that the mission went well. I was also told that there was a confrontation between Phantom and you two. Is that solved now or do I have another superpowered enemy again?" 

"It was fine Fury. He simply went in too riskily once Natasha's life was on the line and there was a bit of friction over wether he should have gone in a lot less guns blazing." Steve quickly interceded. I internally smiled at his loyalty but kept a straight face staring at the surgeons and scrutinizing their every action.

I watched as they checked the blood pressure on time and when they checked through the lists of medication she can be given. I also  noticed how they neglected to double check her oxygen intake and internally scowled at the stupidity. Natasha was shot and now she was being treated by idiots? I was going to stick around for her safety if not anything else. Plus, knowing Nat she would probably be wanting to go on a mission the second the tubes were removed from her body.

I heard the murmer of a short conversation between Fury and Steve and they walked off towards the briefing room. Clint and I stood there in silence with me agonizing over the tiniest mistake and his face showing worry and regret.

After an hour or so he left the window and I stood there alone for three more hours until all of the surgeons had gone. I stepped into the room and triple checked every moniter, dosage, tube and machine until half an hour had passed. I was finally saisfied that my friend was going to survive the night so stepped out of the room and I realised that now I had nowhere to sleep.

Great. Maybe I could ask Fury for a ride to a nearby town or something. I can just get into a motel and contact Rick Mason about getting a private plane back to Mexico City.

I was just about to go into the control room when Maria Hill enterred the waiting room where I now stood. She had a smile on her face.

"Casper I believe you are in need of a room for tonight?"

"Yes just drop me off somewhere outside New York-" I tried to respond but was interrupted

"Your room awaits upstairs on the second floor above this one. Soundproof, with a map of the Helicarrier and some cash for an easy trip back to Mexico." She said calmly now heading towards the door. I looked over at Natasha for a moment and I decided on something.

"Is it okay if I stay here until Natasha is better?" I ask trying to use the most nonchalant voice I could. Hill smiled and turned around.

"Stay as long as you like, training room's over on the eighth floor, canteen is on the sixth and You know where Natasha will be." She walked off with the biggest smirk on her face with her hips swaying and her hand going to her communicator. As she left the room I heard the words "You owe me $20 Nick." before she rounded a corner.

I took one last look at Natasha's sleeping face and turned out of the room.


The Next morning I woke up in a cold sweat with my body feeling like it was burning. I had a headache like my head had been sawn in half and  my chest had what felt like bulletwounds all up and down it. I tried to check the time on the table to my left and felt nothing there but cold air.

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