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Smut warning

*also turn on the music above*

(Y/N) POV:

I was on the deck of the grounded tanker the wind whistling in my ears while Tony hovered above me.

"You sure you wanna do this? You're going to get your ass handed to you by Hulk and Natasha if you go through with this." Tony tried yet again to persuade me to allow him to deal with the situation alone.

"Lets just go Tony." I said reaching out my arm. Stark took it in his hand and instantly flew off with me trailing behind him.

"Okay, plan is you distract Hulk until I can get all the civilians away. Once that happens I send down a container I made for Hulk and then I take him down with a suit I made especially for the occasion." He shouted over the loud winds. 

"Agreed." I yelled back.

There were around thirty seconds between getting to the city and where we were now so I decided to use this time to slip into my Sleeper state successfully.

I only used simple orders to make sure they were very clear.

1-Protect civilians

2-Eliminate Hulk as a threat but don't permanently injure him


Tony dropped me on the ground in the streets where Hulk was and I completed my mental transformation.


How the hell do you even get into these situations?

Anyway. I need to work out a strategy. First lets evaluate the opponent.

Hulk strengths:


-incredible speed

-Practically invulnerable from all forms of attack



-Lack of strategy

The logical strategy therefore is to avoid all attacks and outsmart it. Then when the chance arises I shoot with maximum power at his temple repeating the same attack in the same place every time to maximise effect.

Hulk was currently aproximately thirty meters away tearing an empty car apart. The first step would be to get his attention.

"Hey! Grinch on steriods! Look over here!" I shouted intentionally mocking him. While I was grabbing his attention I was also loading my Anti-Hulk bullets which somehow were in my equipment store.


"I think it would be best if we account for all possible situations. (Y/N) bring your most powerful ammunition." Steve said while we all got dressed in our combat equipment.

"Sir yes Sir!" I mocked standing to attention and Steve sighed. I put a few clips of my Anti-Hulk bullets in my arsenal like he had asked but didn't really see the point. We were fighting Ultron not Bruce. Besides if Ultron somehow made something powerful enough to rival Hulk then these bullets that Tony helped make could easily take it down if the right tactics were used.


Hulk whipped his head around to face me and roared. I smirked at the green skinned giant as he sprinted towards me screaming out in rage. I stood in the street unmoving as the screaming mass drew nearer and nearer.

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