I'm Not your child

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No-ones POV:

The team was sat down in the livingroom in various positions. Wanda and Vis were sat next to each other on the sofa, Steve was stood up and pacing, Tony was sat in an armchair on the left side of the room, Rhodey stood behind him and Sam was sitting on a stool by a small kitchen area. The room itsself was grey and steely and was usually used as the break room for the operatives but today it was being used as a slightly more comfortable meetingroom. It had a miniature kitchen, an island, the small seating area where nearly everyone was and the rest was quite plain.

There was silence for a moment as everyone tried to take in what they had just been told.

"You're telling me that they not only managed to take over a military base without the military noticing but that they also managed to steal the virus from you and we have no idea where its gone?" Steve asked Rhetorically but, of course, Tony responded.

"Yes..." He looked around the room at the slightly annoyed faces. "Well you don't all have to applaud me at once." He said jokingly but nobody laughed.

"Okay so we dropped the ball and lost the virus fine. We didn't lose (Y/N) though. That was all on you guys. Why did you let him out when he just had those agents saying he was god or something?" Rhodey asked and Steve looked at him dissaprovingly.

"It wasn't our descision to make Rhodey. But you've got a point. We dropped the ball. We'll pick it up again. We just need to work out where  (Y/N) went and where the virus went. We've already got Natasha trying to find him on comms-"

"She's been in there for a full day now. If there was something to find she would have found it." Wanda said pessimistically and began leaning on Vision slightly. Then, the AI spoke. "We shouldn't lose hope. Remember that he is functionally immortal and we have yet to see an impact which has managed to do more than incapacitate him for a prolonged period. However, while we hope for the best we must prepare ourselves for the possibility of (Y/N)'s death and use that as the basis of our logic from now on when facing this opposition." Vision argued and many people nodded along.

"So, who wants to tell Natasha that (Y/N)'s dead huh?" Tony asked and nobody raised their hands.

"Yeah didn't think so. Good idea in theory but in practice that isn't going to work how about   we-" Tony continued but he was interrupted by the door to the room slamming open.

Natasha POV:

I slammed open the doorway of the break room and looked at the assorted team. They were all here luckily.

"Siberia. Anacorp base." I said and there were mixed responces. Steve, Tony and Vision looked hopeful whereas the others looked confused.

"You sure?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"As sure as I can be." I said while bringing out my phone and showing a location on google maps to Tony and Steve who had walked over to me.

"Did I miss something?" Sam asked and Vision turned to face him.

"Miss Romanoff has located the whereabout of (Y/N) to be in Siberia, specifically within the base of a conglomerate named Anacorp that has slowly been gaining traction since the end of the Cold War." He clarified and Sam looked significantly less confused

"Alright, what do we know about this 'Anacorp'? Vis?" Steve asked and Vision stared blankly for a second, his eyes dilating, and then he responded.

"Formed some time around the end of the cold war, Anacorp is a successful conglomerate that works with over 72 governments worldwide. They own Astler Inc. a scientific private company that sells the rights to their findings to governments if they give them minor monitary support in the production and research of said findings. They also own the very different Securon company. Securon is made up itsself of two funtional parts. Secure Production and Secure Execution. Secure Production produces weapons for nations across the globe and is the supplier for many arms dealers across the world. Secure Execution is a para-military group that has full access to bleeding edge technology due to Secure Production. They can either be hired by a government as official mercenaries for the state or can be hired by an individual as private armies. Anacorp has seven major bases and over 230 factories across the world. The Sino-Russian base is located within Siberia and looks to be the location that Miss Romanoff is talking about." Vision stated in one big blob of language. Some people looked confused.

The Phantom (Black Widow x Male Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara