You've gotten pale

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(Y/N) POV:

The sewers beneath Budapest were large and winding, a maze of conrete tunnels with sour smelling ooze squeezing through the walls and ceiling. The tunnels themselves were more like underground rivers, with small walkways on either side where I could run away from the soldier behind me.  My coughing wasn't helping either as they followed the noise it made, I blamed it upon the stench arising from the river of filth to my right.

It had been almost impossible to lose them behind me, their wrist containing a flashlight that chased me around every corner and across every small bidge between the two walkways. After half an hour, they were getting tired, their speed dropping and I could hear harsh breathing beneath the mask behind me. Pushing through the pain in my legs, I went for one last sprint.

There was a crossroads of two tunnels and I darted towards it with all of the stamina I had left, outpacing my persuer with the sudden sprinting. I gathered as much speed as I could and jumped the 10ft gap between the two tunnels, hearing a splash from behind me as they tried to wade their way across through the chest-high stew of human filth.

With the time I'd gained, I ran as far as I could. It would another ten minutes until I stopped hearing the clash of steel footfalls upon concrete. It was be another five before I found a ladder upon the wall and climbed up. I lifted the sewage grate above my head and threw it a few feet away as I enmerged into the city once again.

From the sewer grate, finding my way back to the station wasn't that difficult. The sirens and smoke made that easy enough. I found the scene surrounded by police and detectives, one of which was within a small back alley away from the rest collecting a peice of smoking wreckage. I crept up behind him, picked up a wooden board from nearby and knocked him out, taking off his clothes and putting them on. After smoothing out the creases, I calmly ducked beneath the police tape and into the train station. From there it was smooth sailing to collect my baggage and find the air vent that Natasha and the Blonde woman had escaped into. When nobody was watching, I lept up inside and sealed the vent behind me.

I crawled for a while within those cramped ventilation shafts, following the trail of small specks of grease and blood upon the walls and floors. Eventually, I managed to find the end of the vent, the bottom already kicked open. I cautiously lowered myself down and looked upon the outside world.

It was a parking lot around the back of the station. Everyone else had fled after the explosion and the parking lot was empty except for one car. Sat within a small prius was the blonde woman, playing with knives in the front seat. The wires from the car cut  and twisted in her lap. Whoever this woman was, she could hotwire a car. 

Sat on the front of the car was Natasha, looking hopefully at the opening I had just crawled out from. As I dropped to the ground, she knocked upon the windshield and the blonde woman rolled her eyes while starting the engine.

I took off most of the police equipment as I walked towards Natasha, all except for the handgun and holster. A playful smile danced across her face as I strolled towards her. Within a matter of seconds, I swept her up in my arms and held her tight. "Hi." She spoke softly. I just hugged her more before letting go. Our foreheads touched, our eyes locked, both of us grinning from ear to ear. We kissed quickly, her mouth tasting of tacky airplane food and blood. She pulled away from me and squinted slightly.

"You've gotten pale." She told me and I scoffed, coughing slightly.

"You've got blood on your cheek." I critiqued and wiped it off of her. She raised her eyebrow and gave me another peck on the lips. It was only for a moment however, as the blonde woman coughed quite loudly drawing our attention away from one another.

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