No-one touches my Dorogoy

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Hey guys. Author's note here. Firstly, thank you for 40K reads! It means so much for all of you to be reading this and also can I just quickly mention that your comments are one of my main motivations for continuing to write this story so any comment will be appreciated. Thx.

Secondly, I am going to be writing my own small filler arc between Age of Ultron and Civil war because I think we all need some more content from the time when the new Avengers team was properly together with Sam, Wanda, Rhodey and Vision. For example I'm going to start sowing the seeds for the Wanda/Vision romance here as well as doing some character development for (Y/N) with the upcoming villain.

Thx for reading.

(Y/N) POV:

The meeting room was quiet during the aftermath of the raid on the Lab. Turns out that whoever was behind the occupation anticipated Avengers intervention because they created a trap for Vision which froze him in his intangible state and didn't allow him to move in any direction or contact anyone. Vision was pretty shaken up by this and Wanda had spent the first few hours of his return working through it.

Stark had taken the serum inside of the vial with him when we left to assure of what the contents were. He had rushed straight to his lab to do some checks on it and Steve followed him inside to talk about the options we would have depending on what exactly the vial was. 

Natasha had gone straight to our apartment to read some books while I arranged a small poker game with Rhodey and Sam for later that night. Afterwards, I played some racing games online with Clint and then we were called into the meeting in which we all sat.

"So...There are three main points of interest for us which are all based around science. So, Tony is going to be taking this briefing." Steve said sitting down in a chair while Stark got up out of his and turned on the projector in the room.

"As Capsicle said there are three main points." Tony began and turned on the projector to show the body of one of the dead soldiers on the ground. "Number one is the people themselves. Now, obviously we needed to work out who they were because their symbol-" The screen zoomed in on a small round symbol emblazoned on their jacket.

 Now, obviously we needed to work out who they were because their symbol-" The screen zoomed in on a small round symbol emblazoned on their jacket

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"Does not match any mercenary or militant group in Interpol, Austrian intelligence agencies or our personal databanks. So we had a DNA scan to see if there was any crossover with a group which we were aware of. Now when we analysed the first body there was something slightly off. Vision, can you tell me what is wrong with this image?" He asked as the screen shifted to depict the image of a very long and complex set of strands of genetic material labelled with A,T,G or C.

"There is nothing wrong with that genetic material. there are no conflicting genes and there are no genetic diseases or signs of wear and tear. Its almost...too perfect." Vision stated staring intently at the image.

"Exactly!" Tony responded enthusiastically. "In a normal human there are flaws. There are contradictory genes that have dominant and non-dominant versions. Alleles that do not express themselves. Yet this one seems to have exactly matching DNA and Alleles for every strand. Its almost like the parents were genetically the same person. Now we thought that this may just be a fluke when we tested the first soldier but, after testing every soldier on the sight, we discovered that every single one of them had perfectly matching genes and not a single trace of genetic disorder. We even tested all of the dead scientists and their DNA was exactly like everyone else's. Without a trace of conflict or any form of disorder." Tony pointed out like it meant something to us. 

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