You answer (Revised)

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(Y/N) POV:

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean that the wound is still there and the pool of blood is getting wider." Natasha answered sounding quite stressed.

Any ideas? I asked my sleeper state but I only got silence as my internal reply.

"Okay. Right, right, right, right, right,right. I'm bleeding. I can bleed for more than 30 seconds now. That's new." I muttered to myself as Natasha quickly ran into the nearby kitchen and grabbed the first-aid kit inside of the sink cupboard while dressing the wound.

I have an open wound...It's still stinging and it almost feels....cold. This is weird. Is this how normal people felt when they got stabbed? It's like someone has poked a hole in a balloon.

I suddenly felt a sharp stinging in my back where the knife wound had hit as rubbing alchohol was spread across the wound. I grimaced slightly but continued to keep my eyes glued to the enemies in front of us.

Something just didn't sit right with me. The familiarity of the fighting style, the precise dodging ability of the soldiers. All of it. Something was off.

The sound of a charging lazer was prominent as Stark enterred the room wearing his chestplate and iron-man gloves, scanning it quickly with his eyes before resting on us and the assailants currently on the floor.

"FRIDAY initiate total system lockdown!" He shouted at the top of his lungs and we simultaneously heard all of the outside doors automatically lock and the windows had thin sheets of metal from either side of their frames slam shut sealing the building entirely.

"What the hell happened?" He asked looking at Natasha who using a stitching needle to thread together my wound.

"Somebody wants the virus. Guess who?" I rhetorically asked while pointing out the familiar round red logo on the soldiers...which now that I thought about it properly also seemed eeriely familiar.

"Is there anybody else?" He asked raising his arm like there was another attacker in the room.

"I didn't see anybody and neither did he." Natasha replied nodding towards me. "But I haven't been everywhere. Are you sure that the system lockdown will locate anybody else if they're here?" She asked and Tony snorted before replying seriously.

"The alarms all across the building are on high alert as well as all of the overlapping camera feeds, heat sensors, motion sensors and pressure plates. Anyone who hasn't been directly given access or is unconfirmed is liable to being shot or contained." Tony promised us and I sighed a deep sigh of relief.

It was a miracle that anyone was here to help. Usually no-one would be here at this hour since Tony would be working in Stark Tower running his company, Steve and the others all had houses the only other people would be Vision and Wanda who live in the compound with us. But, they went out on a daytrip to New York and once it got late they bought a hotel room for the night instead of taking the long ride back to the Compound.

It was a freak set of events where Tony thought of a new invention and decided to stay at the compound to complete a prototype. He was technically scheduled to be working in his tower office right now.

"Also can I just say...I love your pajamas. They really compliment your-" Stark began but Natasha interjected.

"You say one fucking word about this Stark. You so much as subtly hint at it, If I even have the tiniest intuition that you have even thought about telling another living or AI soul then you will be dead before the morning." Natasha said with such venom and fury that I could practically feel heat radiating off of her.

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