A sentient tape recorder

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(Y/N) POV:

After dodging past a few blockades in the city and changing the license plate on the car once, we were now entering New Jersey. I was sat in the back of the car making sure that we weren't being followed while Steve was at the steering wheel and Natasha was in the passenger seat with her legs up on the dash.

There had mostly been companiable silence for the journey up until Natasha spoke.

"Where did Captain America learn how to steal a car?"

Steve turned to face her for a second before answering with "Nazi Germany, and we're borrowing so get your feet off the dash."

Natasha just slightly smiled and slowly placed her feet in the footwell.

"Ya'know I think Charlotte from aqcuisitions wants to ask you out." She said slyly

"Not interested Romanoff." He replied keeping his focus firmly on the road.

"Okay...You've been turning down my dating advice for years now. There is only one solution."

I was interested now. Steve and Natasha's bickering was always a pleasure to spectate upon.

"Oh? And what is that?"

"Captain America has a girlfriend." She smirked leaning slightly closer towards him.

Steve just glared at her.

"Or Boyfriend I don't judge." She added quickly

I started laughing under my breath.

"I can hear you laughing at me (Y/N)." He said looking in the mirror and now putting his Captain America glare onto me.

"That isn't a noooo." Natasha mocked

Steve turned his attention to the other assassin in the car.

"Yes it is Romanoff." He said sighing slightly.

There was a small silence as Natasha leaned back in her chair.

"So no-one special then?" I asked now deciding to join in on the fun.

"Well," He groaned as he readjusted himself slightly in his seat "Belive it or not its quiet hard to find someone with shared life experience."

Natasha instantly cut in."Well that's alright you just make something up."

"What like you two?" He asked slightly sarcastically.

"Well...the truth is a matter of circumstance. Its not all things to all people all the time and neither am I." She countered with a slight smile on her face.

Steve suddenly looked empathetically towards her. "Thats a tough way to live."

I interupted in a sightly far off tone. "Its a good way not to die though." 

"Y'know its kind of hard to trust someone when you don't know who that someone is. I mean, look at (Y/N). He told us who he was and now I can trust him fully." He spoke nodding his head to me. I nodded back supporting his point.

If we were going to work together then we had to trust each other. I had saved Natasha's ass so many times on missions that it would be impossible for her not to trust me and Steve trusts me because I trust him. The only ones who don't fully trust each other is Natasha and Steve.

"Yeah." she paused while looking like she was accepting this advice. "Who do you want me to be?" She asked Steve directly

"How about a friend." He answered honestly while Natasha just smiled to herself like she knew how naive that sentence really was and then her face dropped to be calm but serious.

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