I love you.

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(Y/N) POV:

We were all sitting in the back of a van in some form of restraints. Natasha and Sam were wearing handcuffs which were chained to the wall while Steve had metal arms braces and I had my arms literally drilled into the wall inside of metal tubes. We had been talking about who the Winter Soldier was and how Steve thought it was his old friend Bucky.

All the while however I was worriedly looking over at Natasha who was sat opposite to me who now had a face filled with pain.

"It was him." Steve assured us as he looked down at his restraints again. "He looked right at me and he didn't even know me."

"How is that even possible? It was like 70 years ago." Sam interjected.

"Zola' Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. Then after he did HYDRA must have found him." He half whispered that last sentence.

"None of that's your fault Steve." Natasha said bringing my attention back to her wound that was now leaking blood like a leaky tap (faucet for y'all americans).

I decided that maybe it was worth a try to get some help. "She needs a doctor, if she doesn't get pressure on her wound she is going to bleed out." I said to the two guards that were sat at one end of the van. They were both wearing heavy riot gear and held electrifier batons.

One of them turned their baton on in a warning to back off and then suddenly they stuck it into the other guard's chest and kicked them in the visor knocking them out cold. The still concious guard lifted off their helmet and I saw a brilliant sight. Maria hill was underneath that mask.

"Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain." She said as she took off her visor. She looked around at the four of us and then pointed to Sam. "So who's this guy?"

"A friend like you. Its good to see you Hill." I smiled slightly

"I wish I could say the same Phantom. You are literally covered in blood and I'm not sure if its yours or someone else's." She waved her gloved hand in a circle around my bloodied form. I just chuckled.

"Okay we have a time limit here. You guys think you can get out of your restraints?" Hill asked. In responce I ripped my arms out of the metal encasing them and the action was followed by Steve. I instantly went to Natasha and crushed the locks on her cuffs allowing them to come loose. I noticed Hill pick the lock on Sam's cuffs as I did this and soon we were all ready to leave.

Hill then took out a lazer saw and started cutting the floor of the van with it. Within minutes we were already inside of another van being driven by Hill away from the city. During the ride, I applied pressure to Natasha's wound while she protested me doing so. The argument ended when I said she could take my hands away from her wound if she wanted but otherwise I'm gonna keep her alive.

Eventually after about twenty minutes of being driven around we were far away from the city and in the shadow of a large dam for a river. We walked inside of a tunnel leading to further in the dam and saw a man running towards us.

"GSW She's lost at least a pint." Maria shouted down the hallway at the man.

"Maybe two." Sam added after he got a second look at the wound.

"Let me take her!" Said the man I presumed was a doctor. But just as I was about to release the pressure on the wound Maria added that "She'll want to see him first."

I looked at Natasha and with a quick glance it was decided that she would see whoever "he" was. We got further into the complex and behind a sheet of plastic was Nicholas Fury lying alive on a hospital bed with an eyepatch on as always. The doctor took Natasha off of my hands and placed her on a stool next to Fury's bed as I watched.

The Phantom (Black Widow x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now