Don't make it worse

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(Y/N) POV:

Its been a month since Lagos. Wanda has been depressed and having a pity party the entire time. Tony had been on tour giving out his new grant to college graduates from Ivy-league universities like MIT for this period of time and all the while ofr an entire month international media has been dumping all over the avengers. Wanda has gotten the brunt of the blow but everyone has had their bit. Steve has been critisised for being irresponsible. Sam was apparently an uncaring ex-military mercenary who worked without any license for the weaponry he used. Natasha faced the same old charges of being a Russian and taking down SHIELD. Rhodey and Tony were just an uber-rich billionaire and his buddy flying around the world dishing out any vigilante justice that they want without a single care for what they leave behind. Vision has been marked as a huge step in AI but just that. An Ai, not a human and some have even suggested that he should be disected and taken apart to analyse exactly what makes him tick or at the very least force Tony to tell the rest of the world.

Funnily enough, Tony has had to patent Vision's design, go to court three times because he could be considered non-human and he's had to legally take ownership of Vision in the US so that nobody else can abuse his power or hurt him.

I came out of this even darker than ever. My face was not depicted on camera but they talked about my past. My links to over 100 different assassinations although, as per the usual, opinions on me were mixed.

I watched as different news channels took different veiws. This was the first time they had managed to get any information on me and publish it since Natasha released all of the SHIELD files onto the internet. They spoke about how I had been linked to over 100 different assassinations and that there were countless others that they didn't know about. They spoke about how I was pardonned after helping to save New York and how I joined SHIELD and was part of the small team that brought it to its knees.

My critics pointed out that I was just a weapon that the government had managed to bribe with a clean slate and that now I was independant I would wreak havoc across the world. Others pointed out that all of the political assassinations were against mob bosses and that I had done more to cripple the Mexican-American drug trade in one year than the US government had done in decades. My critics called me a loose cannon which had the capability to turn at any point and kill the president. My supporters called me a misguided hero who needed to be kept in check. 

All of them agreed on one thing. I needed oversight. We needed oversight. 

And world leaders seemed to agree.

This day was like any other throughout the past month. The sun shining through the windows and bouncing off of the grey walls of the compound. I had a cup of coffee in my hand and I sipped from it while heading towards the gym hoping to get in a workout before Tony arrived later today from his tour.

However, it was not meant to be as Vision phased through a wall and confronted me. "(Y/N). You asked me to inform you of when Mr Stark had arrived." He said and I smiled.

"Ok. Tell him to give me a minute to clean up before we work out what to do about this shit show." I told him while trying to walk past and towards my apartment. He however called out again.

"Mr Stark has brought the Secretary of State with him." He informed me and I groaned.

"Thanks Vis." I said while walking away and he tipped his head before phasing through the wall again to greet someone else.


Everyone was sat down in one of the meeting rooms, glass walls surrounded us but sound didn't get through them. The team was sat at various places along the table. Me and Natasha sat together, her arm around the back of my chair as she leaned back in her's. Tony was sat away from the table in the corner of the room looking like he was mulling something over. I was however focused upon Secretary Ross. He had brought with him a bodyguard who stood silentely in the corner which showed that he obviously didn't trust us to keep him safe. He also had a laptop which he plugged a USB into and then plugged into the glass pane which we used to show the details of a mission plan like a form of TV screen.

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