Hurt em' back.

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(Y/N) POV:

Me and Natasha ran along the streets of the city trying to find out where the others were and our plan for dealing with this situation. It had been ages and throughout trying to find the others we had also been trying to help any civillians we found. At one point I had needed to lift a truck off of someone's leg while Natasha created cover fire for me. All the while, my 'other side' was telling me when to dodge, when someone was nearby, who was attacking, how to kill people getting close, and generally acting like a sixth sense.

If your sixth sense had a voice which dripped with sarcasm and boredom.

After saving the innocents and getting them inside of the most undestroyed building we could see, the pair of us knew we needed a few seconds break from the constant barrage of fire. Natasha pointed out a fairly secure looking carpark so we began running towards it. As we sprinted down the side street we were on I heard the voice speak to me.

Duck now.

The second I followed this command a lazer coming from behind me blasted right where my head would have been. I turned back around holding Leviathan ready to shoot but found that Natasha had already blasted it full of holes like swiss cheese. I smiled at her. "Where did you get that gun?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I just took it off of your cloak. You had three of them I thought you wouldn't care." She smirked.

"And you didn't tell me about this?" I asked my sleeper state and even if it had no physical form it's tone gave of the sense that it was shrugging its shoulders as well.

We are in the middle of a warzone and she had no equipment. It made sense to let her just take it.

"Well I mean I suppose I should have let you know." Natasha also responded.

"Sorry hon. wasn't talking to you. I was talking to mr psycopath in my head." I said.

"Ok right. That is going to take some getting used to." She said as I pointed out the building. We went inside and I sighed, leaning on a wall for a moment. I noticed the dust particles falling from the ceiling as the ground beneath us flew higher and higher.

"Y'know what this reminds me of?" I asked Natasha and she looked at me quizzically.


"New York. I mean...Flying enemy hell bent on killing us...using a big speech about how futile our efforts are...seeing themselves as a gift to humanity and it being the right thing for us. Kinda familiar don't ya think?" I asked and she nodded her head silently.

"Yeah, I can see the resemblance. You even got your Harley destroyed on the way." She chuckled.

I didn't. You did.

Damnit those cost a fortune! How can you just destroy something like that?


Natasha looked nervous as I furrowed my brow in frustration and groaned. I heard my groan twinned by my other self.

"You're never allowed on any of my Harley's again. ever. Understand?" I asked very seriously. Natasha hesitated.

"Understand?" My sleeper state asked through my voice but I didn't really care. He was more intimidating than I was.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." She waved it off and I sighed again as I felt the building shake from another nearby explosion. We should probably go deal with the city being in the sky rather than bickering.

"The rest of us have one job." Steve chimed in over the comms. Welp I guess it was time for the mandatory Captain America speech. "Tear these things apart. You get hurt? Hurt em' back. You get killed? Walk it off." Then the speech ended. That was short.

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