Dreams (revised)

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(Y/N)'s POV

I managed to cling to the walls of the Jet and make my way to the other drivers seat next to Natasha. I glared at her and she simply looked at me questioningly.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a smirk on her face. Okay I'm not dealing with her bullshit today. If she wanted to talk then she was going to get a guilt trip.

"Well lets count it off shall we? One, I managed to loose my perfect record and my main target at the same time. Two, he is now using all of the power he holds to track me down and kill me. Three, I havent slept in almost a week because he keeps on moving troops into the area I'm in trying to smoke me out. Four, I just got stabbed and shot so many times in the last 24 hours that I can't even count how many places I'm hurting right now. Five, My Morphine dosage is not strong enough to stop the pain so I'm cranky. Six, I'm now being roped into a fucking nuclear crisis about the survival of the three most important cities in America and the one person I can honestly call a friend just slammed me into the back of a fucking jet with no warning! Is that enough wrong for you?!?" I ask sarcastically raising my voice gradually until now I was basically shouting at her.

"I'm sorry." She said simply with total honesty on her face.

"Its okay I'm just...Not having the best time right now." I say sighing and leaning my head into my hands.

"Well if it helps we have about forty minutes until we get to base so you can catch a bit of sleep now and once we finish the mission I can make sure that you can just spend tommorow asleep for the entire day." She said looking over at me for a moment and smiling which made me feel all warm and tingly inside. Yeah she may be annoying but at least she knows how to apologise.

"That...would be good." I said nearly instantly falling asleep. But not into dreams. Darkness overcame me and I was back to years ago when I was still young and inhuman.


I sat in the room with The General Secretary and listened to him explain about how all of my missions were total sucesses and that Russian involvement was not even on the table as to how the assassinations occured.

I shrugged at his great praise but noticed he held none for Dr Astrikov. He glared at Father and seemed jealous, angry and suspicious even. The General Secretary told me that he was going to make me a KGB operative that would lead a squadron of black-ops operatives and that I was going to become the unseen sword of Russia that destroyed the evil capitalist West.

I had heard it all before but paid it no mind. He was inferior and so his opinion did not matter. He was going to be dead soon anyway.

He continued to speak until I heard the familiar voices of Rico and Samuel in my ear.

"Now (Y/N)." They said in unison as I pulled out a concealed gun with a silencer and killed The General Secretary in one clean shot. Father looked pleased and he took the badge that The General secretary had worn and placed it on himself.

"General Secretary Astrikov sounds more fitting than Doctor Astrikov doesn't it (Y/N)?" He says while pushing the dead body out of the chair and sitting down in it.

"Indeed father." was all that I said. If Father said it was more fitting then it as more fitting. He raised his hand and pointed towards the door. "Do not let me hold you up from doing your mission (Y/N)."

I nodded and silently walked out of the room and shot both of the soldiers on guard in the head. I turned down a corridor and heard the sounds of boots approaching. Approximately ten soldiers of the guard carrying the stardard sub-machine guns. They were here to secure the Secretary during the coup which was occuring. 

The Phantom (Black Widow x Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang