candidate number 1

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(Y/N) POV:

Me and Cap left the Quinnjet in the rooftops of the city as we both traveled to Doctor Cho's lab. Once we got inside we were expecting to have a fight but instead all we found were dead bodies and broken glass. After a few minutes of searching we found Doctor Cho herself lying down on the floor barely alive.

"Doctor Cho!" Steve called out from the other side of the room making me turn around and pay attention to what was going on over there instead of looking at the many detached wires and lack of a "cradle" as Doctor Cho called it.

Steve took out a hankercheif from who-knows-where and tried to apply pressure to the wound while I asked the questions.

"What happened?" I asked

"Ultron, he's trying to upload himself into a new body." She panted, wincing at the pain from her wound.

"Where?" I questioned making sure my questions were short and easy to understand so that even if she was in shock then she could probably answer them.

She shook her head to say she didn't know. I was about to walk off and let Steve keep applying first aid but Cho pulled me back. "The real power is in the cradle...The gem...Its power is uncontainable you can't just blow it up. You need to get it to Stark."

"First we have to find it." muttered Steve.

"You got all that?" I asked over the comms.

"We did." Clint responded with the addition of "I got a private jet taking off across town. No manifest. That could be him."

"If Ultron is transporting his body then he will need a way to get it onto the plane. Clint have a look for a truck that looks like it is headed the right direction." I said while walking away from Doctor Cho and calling an ambulance for her. Paramedics will do a better job than I would.

Besides, from the looks of the wound most of it is already cauterized by the heat from whatever lazer Ultron used. Me and Steve began sprinting towards the roads and waiting for confirmation of where to go.

After a minute or so of running time, Clint piped in again. "Got it. A truck sent from the lab going straight towards the runway Nat mentioned. Right above you guys on the ring road. We got four bots, Ultron and the Cradle inside. Its definitely them. I could take out the driver."

"Negative. That truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron." Steve said as we climbed up to the road unsing the service ladder attatched to the side.

Once we reached the top we waited and watched as The truck rolled down the road closer and closer. It went underneath the road and I nodded to Steve as we both concentrated and jumped onto the top of the vehicle. Steve climbed down onto the back of the truck while I stayed on top assuring that no drones were going to get in our way as we did this.

Steve tried to slowly unbuckle the bolt on the door but it was blasted open by a ray from Ultron simultaneous with a shout of "Leave me Alone!" from inside. Steve was swung with the door onto the side of the truck and I leaned my hand down to help him up onto the roof again. Unfortunately Ultron had predicted this and blew up the door sending Rogers flying.

I leaned over the edge of the truck, grabbed onto his foot, and swung him onto the door which was now attached to the bottom of the truck, keeping him in the fight. "Welp he's definitely unhappy. I'm gonna try and keep it that way." Steve said as he righted himself.

"You're not a match for him Cap." Clint responded over the comms.

"Thanks Barton." Steve said while I smirked. Steve attempted to enter the vehicle but he was blasted back by some sort of invisible wave from Ultron's fist. Okay mental note. Ultron is a Jedi now. Cap was blasted onto another car and he was kept out of the fight for a while.

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