Broken Promises

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(Y/N) POV:

After the meeting, I pulled Natasha aside and we entered a side room alone. I saw the slightly confused look on her face and I frowned slightly when I felt happy at just the sight of her.

"Nat...I love you. I've already said it but I want you to know what that really means before whatever this is continues. Because me loving you..." I paused and took in a deep breath "Fucking terrifies me. You are the only person I have ever willingly given the power to destroy me. It means that if we're going to do this then you are going to be the only person on the planet who I have ever fully entrusted with my heart." I started pacing slightly and looked down at the ground refusing to look her in the eyes.

"The thought of being vulnerable shakes me to my very core because all I have ever known before is hatred and greed. I have learned to build walls inside of my mind that cannot be broken even by the most horrifying of sights. Yet somehow I spend a few years with you and instantly my walls crumble to ash between my fingers. If we do this then I am going to tell you everything and with a life like mine there is very little I have not done. I have done everything from active torture to mass murder. I am not the suave and self assured smartass I pretend to be. I'm a killing machine created to live forever and slaughter without a second thought. I am a monster Nat. I am not the hero standing up to the villain, I am the villain. If we do this then you will be willingly being with a person who's ledger is so filled with red that everything for miles around it everything is painted scarlet. Are you sure you want this? Because this is the real me. I am not someone who loves by nature, I am death twisted and fitted into human form." I stopped pacing and locked eyes with her. 

This moment would be it. Either I come out shattered into a million tiny shards or I come out of this room feeling more whole than I had ever been before. Natasha ran her hand across my cheek with the utmost care and appeared to have tears in her eyes.

"No...That's who you were born to be. You were born as death incarnate. That is not you. You are a stupidly handsome idiot who has saved the world once and is about to make it twice. You are the man who always had my back. You are the most annoying, frustrating and oblivious person on the planet but I am willing to put up with it for you. The real you who is trying to push me away because he doesn't believe that he deserves love. But I do love you (Y/N) and you aren't getting away from me that easily." She smiled at me before slowly leaning in. I stayed still as she lightly planted a kiss on my lips. I instantly snapped back to reality and what she had just said hit me like a battering ram.

I instantly pushed back onto her and felt a small smile appear on her lips and I mirrored her action. She loved me! I had told her about what I really wa and she had accepted me!

Fuck Yes! New favourite day!

I felt so contented and so at peace like everything was finally right in the world. I closed my eyes and allowed my hands to wonder to her hair and her neck. I felt her press her hands around the back of my neck and after a good few minutes we both pulled away.

"I do have one promise though. You promise not to intentionally put yourself in harm's way when you don't need to, even for me. Okay?" She asked and I just nodded

"As long as you promise to not get yourself killed." I said back. She dryly laughed and nodded her head.


A few minutes later Fury told us where my equipment was being held so I quickly broke into the military encampment and took out all of the supplies that they had stolen. It included:

-the Leviathan

-Two backup handguns

-A small sub machine gun

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