The Lemurian Star

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(Y/N) POV: 

It has been about two years now since I had joined SHIELD. In exchange for becoming an agent I secured immunity from my past crimes as well as any crimes I commit on the orders of SHIELD. During these two years the four of us, me Steve, Clint and Nat all grew closer becoming like a family to each other.

Over this time Steve has been trying to become a normal member of society with an apartment and a normal life outside of his job working for SHIELD. Natasha has been trying to set him up with a date for years now but has yet to get him to go on even one date. Whenever me and Natasha are nearby we always go out and hang with each other. Ususally me and Natasha getting drunk while Steve drinks us both under the table due to his supersoldier serum.

Clint is with us only half the time. The other half of it he is off of the grid entirely for months on end. Every now and again Natasha will tag along with him to go off the grid but no matter how much I pester the pair they never let me know what the big secret they are hiding is. When he is here though, we get along great and commonly do missions together all across the globe.

Natasha and me have been essentially attached at the hip. Fury soon found that when we work together a mission is usually done in half the predicted time, with better information and a more detailed report so he lets us stay together most of the time. Since we both have never really understood the concept of a home we don't have an apartment like Steve we just bounce around the globe wherever we are needed. We may be anwhere from a crappy hotel in guatamala, to one of the many SHIELD safehouses dotted across the USA.

Throughout this time my feelings towards Natasha have only gotten stronger. I have seen her more serious side on missions and I have seen her more relaxed side which made me love her all the more. We have both had bad days when the other was there and we have both had great days which we made even better by simply just being there. I have kept my feelings hidden however because I know that I don't want to ruin what we have. Natasha is the closest person to me in this world and if she found out then it could jeopradise that connection and I am going to assure tht doesn't happen. Of course there was the never ending flirting and the constant feeling of tension between us but I ignored it as side effects of being around the person you are in love with.

Right now me and Natasha were sitting on the sofa eating leftover Chinese for breakfast. Why you may ask? well because Natasha tried to cook scrambled eggs...and nearly burned the safehouse to the ground. 

I was sitting down watching (Y/F/S) (your fav show) on the TV while I ate the leftover noodles from a pot. Natasha was lying her head on my lap reading a book and humming quietly to herself. We were both being pretty quiet except for the occasional slurp of me eating up some of the noodles. Well we were quiet before the alarm went off.

The alarm that signified that we had a mission to deal with. It was coming from Natasha's phone which was on the nearby table and she placed the book she was reading onto her face and groaned.

"If I pretend like I don't hear it do you think Fury will think I'm asleep?" I heard her ask with a muffled voice.

"Tasha...Last time you ignored it Fury sent the Strike team to our hotel to make sure you hadn't been kidnapped...While I was in the shower. That was not fun." I slightly shuddered at the memory of the Strike team shouting for me to step out of the bathroom.

She moaned silently and dragged herself over to the phone. As she did this I gobbled down the noodles as fast as I could not knowing when my next meal would be. These missions could be unpredictable. At one point I was sent alone into Somalia to protect a Saudi-Arabian oil giant and I didn't get to eat for an entire week.

I heard her talk into the phone as I slurped up my food.

"Yup...Yeah Casper's here." She said and I raised a middle finger to her when she looked back at me. She just smiled back.

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