Those are the eyes of a dead man (revised)

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Sorry in advance. Also I decided I didn't like how I ended this chapter so I'm redoing it.-Author's note

(Y/N) POV:

After that insipiring speach by Tin can man a few bots approached and were instantly smashed to peices by Thor and Hulk who were nearby.

"Is that the best you can do?" Thor shouted at the most powerful Ultron Bot which was flying above us imposingly. It smirked.

"This is the best I can do." It replied. From every angle and every side, from every wall, crack, crevice, street and sewage pipe a bot crawled out. You couldn't look around anywhere within eyeshot without seeing at least fifty of them. They were like a horde of locusts that slowly crept out of every possible place.

"You had to ask." Steve unhumourously state to Thor.

"Damnit Thor! Every time someone says that in a movie there is always a bigger threat and lo and behold Ultron has a larger army!" I half shouted exasperatedly.

"This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron asked rhetorically.

"Like the old man said... Together." Tony sighed while everyone instantly began getting themselves into their fighting positions. Hulk roared, Natasha locked and loaded her guns, Clint readjusted an arrow in its string, Tony raised his gauntlet, Steve raised his shield, Thor raised his hammer, Pietro got into a running pose, Wanda charged up her red wigglywoos-

and Vision...Floated in a vuagely menacing way.

I called for some help.

So you said you were up for a challenge?

Oh hell yeah. This'll be the first actually difficult fight in years.

I felt my control slip away and heard the bones in my neck crack as well as the ones in my fists. Ooh this'll be fun to watch.

I slowed down my time and analysed the situation carefully. As soon as we had begun preparing ourselves Ultron had unleashed the masses. 250 heading straight for us from each of the five ground entrances. 70 currently climbing the walls and diving down through the open roof.

Thor, Vision and Tony would take care of the arial targets so my only real job was to kick some metal ass which came at me. I mean it wasn't going to be that hard. They were literally running towards me begging for a beating.

I automatically set myself up guarding the arched entrance next to Natasha so that if this all went to shit then I could at least keep her safe. Not that she would need my help anyway. I watched through slowed down time as the metal tidal wave charged onwards towards us, but not close enough for me to need melee weapons. I guess they somehow didn't account for ranged weaponry?

I grabbed Leviathan in one hand and a Semi-automatic rifle in my other. I set both to my personalised "reign hellfire" setting and raised them to the awaiting crowd. And indeed, I reigned hellfire upon them. I knew exactly the speed and time difference between each and every time a bullet was released so I aimed every one of the rapidly fired bullets into the skulls of the nearest machines. Each round was precisely aimed and released leading to every bullet felling a bot. By the end of my small massacre around 70 of them were piled high in front of me as well as many dozens more which didn't make it to the gateway.

Without a second's respite I was forced backwards towards the core as 100 more burst through the walls towards us. I jumped back and reloaded both of my guns before firing again into the crowd taking huge swathes of them down but double that number appeared to replace them.

The Phantom (Black Widow x Male Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu