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(Y/N) POV:

Smoke danced around the room like a swirling mist clinging to the ceiling of the grand casino room. The smell of cigars, alchohol and marijuana filled my lungs as I inhaled from behind Father.

Currently he was sat at a table playing cards with a group of apparently influential figures where the lowest value chips at play were $10,000 each. Father was predictably winning the event by a small margin but was intentionally losing some hands to assure the other figures do not have any reason to resent him.

There were around six people at the table each with their own body guard. I have of course been told who they were. One was the cheif advisor to the Chairman of the Chinese Communist party, another was the speaker for the American house of representatives, there was one of the princes of Saudi-Arabia present as well as an international billionaire arms dealer.

Finally there was the current secretary general of the UN. An agreement had already been formed between these six that Father's ascension to power over the USSR would be beneficial for everybody involved. This group who had called themselves "the six" had been secretly meddling in their own nation's and other nations affairs to place themselves as the most powerful people in the world.

Apparently the aim of this pact was to make the six of them the council which guided the world and decided what conflicts occured and when. At least that was their aim. Father's aim was to use them for their resources and powers and then cut them off from power leaving him as the singular authority to call upon.

I of course, was the vessel for this plan but for now, the group secretly met in Casinoes and other places to privately discuss matters of importance for everyone. I personally did not care for their political maneuvreing and simply paid attention to the bodyguards of the people involved. I could probably take them all out by myself but the real issue was killing all of the officials before they can make any phone calls because the second that anybody makes a call I'm screwed and therefore Father would be screwed.

That could not occure therefore I must stand idly by and wait for them to finish. That was what I always did at these meetings and it had been made very clear to everyone present that I was just as trustworthy and as competent as any of their bodyguards despite any predjudices they have due to my age.

Until I heard my name be called.

"Child." Father said in a slightly slurred manner faking intoxication. Father was never intoxicated he simply used it as a ploy to put others at ease. Father was a genius and refused to ever have his logic clouded by something as dirty and pointless as drugs.

I leaned closer to notify him of my hearing his statement.

"Fetch me the Crimson menu will you? It's just over there." He said pointing towards a table on the left of the room with a red menu on top of it. Of course this was not a simple message, crimson was the code-word for somebody secretly listening in on the conversation. 

I nodded and headed towards where he pointed before silently activating a device on my wirstwatch which forced the circuitry of any listening devices to rapidly heat up and possibly explode. I picked up the menu and passed it to him scanning the faces of everyone involved until I heard a fizz coming from the Speaker's bodyguard's earpeice.

Without saying a word I drew my gun and fluidly shot him straight through the head aiming at his earpiece disabling it. From there a rapid escalation occured where every bodyguard  shoved their patron aside and aimed their guns at my head.

"My friends! Calm down! Calm down! The bodyguard was listening in on our conversation and I simply asked my guard to get rid of the CIA who was almost certainly listening on the other end." Father shouted. There was a lot of tedious explanation over the next few minutes as everyone calmed down and I silently went to work dealing with the body. 

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