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(Y/N) POV:

I was riding in a jeep with Nat and Clint in a mountain range near the capital of Sokovia. This mountain range hid the base for Strucker's HYDRA reorganisation. We were originally attempting a surprise attack but Bruce Hulking out a little too soon threw that plan out the window. Right now we were all offence.

As we drove down the forest road fire and blood filled my nose through my mask as we jostled and jugled around in the jeep. Some incoming fire came nearby and Natasha began talking.

"You boys just there to look pretty or are you going to start shooting?" She asked taking a rapid spin right to avoid another volley of plasma attacks. Wihtout another word me and Clint began aiming at the soldiers nearby before we realised that they were now flying beside our vehicle.

I shot one down and clint impaled one on a normal arrow point blank. "Since when did they have jetpacks? we don't even have jetpacks." I complained while shooting down another five or so enemies that we got close to.

"Since now (Y/N)." Steve replied bluntly. I muttered "Oh you don't say." under my breath before me and clint switched places so that we could take down the flying soldiers faster. As we did so,  a HYDRA jeep pulled up beside us with a gun the size of me on the roof.

Unluckily they made the bad desicsion to keep the gunner in rifle radius. When they tried to barge us, Natasha swerved allowing me the perfect shot to get the gunman in the head and to blow up their vehicle entirely.

We rode in the very centre of our offensive meaning that I saw Tony, Steve, Thor and Bruce going around and wrecking the enemy while we were left with keeping the path clear and taking out the lackeys that survived. Honestly it was too easy, they would present themselves directly in front of us and I would just shoot them in the head before they could move.

That was, until we came up to a large barbwire fence. "You guys ready to jump?" Nat asked as we approached the fence.

"I guess." I said before leaping off of the side of the vehicle and somehow perfectly timing my jump with everyone else on them team who jumped past the exact same point. So now I was running on foot towards the base. I sighed and reloaded the Leviathan before jumping towards the nearest group of them and spraying them with bullets.

They tried to fire back but the amount of time between each plasma shot minimised their effecitveness so much that it was like I didn't even need to dodge. I flipped over the top of a nearby encampment and took out the three guards stationed there in under a second. looking down I saw Natasha fending off around ten hostiles by herself.

I knew she could deal with them but I might as well make it easier so I picked off the three snipers nearby "hidden" in the trees like amateurs, shot five of the ten hostiles and let her take the other five.

I continued running and she didn't even need to glance upwards to know it was me. "I could have dealt with them." She said

"I just thought I would help out." I replied before dashing onto the main area again and hearing a hullaballoo over the comms.

"Shit!" shouted Tony instantly followed by 

"Language!" From Steve 

"Jarvis what's the view from upstairs?" The Supersoldier continued

"The central base in protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we have taken." The AI responded.

While they were having their chat I was busy sneaking behind an enemy bunker and throwing a handful of grenades inside destroying it and helping Steve to not be pinned down by the soldiers in the area so much.

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