The Aftermath

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(Y/N) POV:

"Alright, get him on his feet. We can all stand together posing up a storm later." Tony said while walking away from Loki. "By the way feel free to clean up."

I made eye-contact with Natasha and we did a joint eye-roll. while Thor put some handcuffs on Loki I decided to look over Leviathan to double check that it wasn't damaged. almost miraculously it had been left unscathed from the battle.

"So who gets the magic wand?" asked Natasha walking over to the opposite side of the room still holding Loki's scepter.

"Strike team's coming to secure it." said Steve who was guarding Loki.

I had noticed the tucked away bar and had walked over to it pouring myself a whisky into the only unshattered glass. "I wasn't told about any Strike team. You sure we can trust them cap?" I asked taking a sip from the whisky and humming slightly at the refreshing burn in my throat.

"They're shield they can be trusted." Replied Natasha turning towards me and rubbing the scepter slightly with her hand.

"If you're sure then I am." I replied taking another sip.

"That's a $150 scottish whisky Marley, you drink it you buy it." Tony added.

"If I give you $200 dollars can I have it all?" I asked remembering the money I currently had stashed for emergencies.

"Deal." He said not turning around.

"Since when did you have deep pockets (Y/N)? First time I saw you you were living like you were broke." Natasha asked slightly flirtatiously leaning towards me on the now cleared bar.

"Tut tut Nat did no one tell you to not to judge a book by its cover?" I chuckled pulling the whisky bottle off of the shelf and pouring myself another shot.

"Wait a second who's (Y/N)." asked Tony turning around suddenly interested in our conversation.

Shit. damn it Natasha, distracting me with flirting.

"That'll be me." I said sipping at the whisky and glaring daggers at Natasha. "But if it gets outside of this room you will all know the reason I'm the worlds best assassin." I said with an intentionally normal and flat tone like I wasn't just threatening everyone in the room.

"I don't intend for it to leave this room (Y/N)." said Steve. I nodded at him and the rest made some sort of affirmation along the same lines.

"I thought Natasha was the world's best assassin?" thought Tony aloud.

"She went straight she doesn't count." I replied. "She's only the world's greatest spy now."

"What about me?" said Clint with his hand on his chest acting insulted.

"I would pay good money to see you legitimately take down Natasha Birdboy." I chuckled and Natasha joined in.

We each went back to our own things with Thor talking to Loki, Tony vapourising rubble on the ground and Steve rubbing the dust off of his shield.

Natasha leaned in towards me. "I'm sorry about revealing your name." She said looking slightly embaressed.

"Its alright. But I wasn't joking about that last part you tell anyone including Fury then there will be consequences." I said faking a serious face. Natasha raised an eyebrow. "You think you could even get near me if I didn't want you to?" she said leaning closer.

"Oh, I know I could. I'm just a gentleman." I said while Natasha scoffed. we just stood there amicably for a few second while I thought about what I was going to do after this because honestly I didn't have a clue. I could always just ride off with my Harley I guess.

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