The next step

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(Y/N) POV:

There was a brief moment as I awoke where I didn't know who I was let alone where. It was a strange mixture of panic and total calm. A lack of identity that comforted me while my mind reeled from nightmares. Those same nightmares that were fading from my memory as darkness escapes from the dawn.

I rolled over.

I was incredibly warm within the embrace of my bed but there was something missing, there was something that was gone, a warmth that was replaced with cool mattress. Then clarity washed over me like a tidal wave. Where's Natasha? We don't have any meetings this morning do we?

I opened my eyes and light painfully burst across my iris. My eyes fluttered closed as quickly as they had opened, blinking while adjusting to the sudden pressure of the dawn streaming through the window. I glanced across the room and the organised chaos within. The picture of us at Niagara falls still stood upon the nightstand alongside a handgun. The drawers and paintings still adorned the walls and floors with small gashes and scrapes. Everything was the same except for the bedroom door being slightly ajar.

I pulled myself from beneath the covers and blindly grabbed clothes from their respective drawers, picking up a carving knife I knocked by accident and I strolled out into the main apartment with a deep yawn upon my lips and arms raised above my head in a stretch.

The sight that greeted me when I walked to the kitchen was Natasha. Her back turned to me, crimson hair falling around her shoulders and onto one of my t-shirts. From the looks of it, she was frying some eggs and singing an upbeat song playing over the nearby radio while swaying her hips to the beat. Her voice was hushed and sultry in an attempt to let me rest.

An idea jumped to my mind and, with a small grin, I crept behind her as silently as I could, tip-toing around the island and getting right behind her. I dared not even breathe until she was inches from me. That was when I coiled my arms around her waist and perched my head upon her shoulder with a whisper into her ear. "Good morning." 

I was expecting her hands to jump to the nearby knife but instead she just smiled broadly and leaned her head against mine. "Good morning...Now go back to bed." 

"Why? Don't you love me anymore?" I jokingly asked her while lightly kissing her neck.

"Don't be silly. I was trying to make breakfast in bed." She complained and I felt a slight pang of guilt set in.

"I'm starting to feel quite tired now actually." I told her while mocking a yawn and stepping away towards the bedroom.

"Are you now?" She asked with a doubtful look.

"Yes. Very tired." I repeated once again. I walked into the room and grabbed my phone, switching to the team group chat to find something to do for a while.


Anybody awake?


Yeah, got up a while ago and did some exercising


Me too. I'm just lying about though not exercising.


Yeah same. I've been banished to the bed so that Nat can make me breakfast.

I heard Natasha lean through the doorway and give me a look. "Really?" She asked and I shrugged. "Was it a secret?" I asked in a sarcastic whisper, my eyes darting around the room like there could be anyone listening in on us. She groaned and pointed at me.

"You know I don't want them to see me as the doting fiance...fluffy...softie." She said like she was struggling to describe her thoughts. I scoffed. "Doting fiance fluffy softie? Really That's what you came up with?" I asked and just gave me a glare.

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