Part 2: 10

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Hours spent exploring the oasis that our lab set on, swimming deep into the water and running with each other along the sand.
The Sully children playing amongst us, teaching things about our new bodies. Climbing and running, swimming.

"Look at that, I told you they did it." Lo'ak whispered to Kiri, pointing to Spider and I. We all sat in a small circle, Tuk sleeping in her sister's lap, bored of the hours spent trying to get our minds to grasp Na'vi. Mostly mine.

"What am I looking at, brother?" Kiri whispered, leaning into her brothers ear.
Spider and I shared a small glance between each other, wondering at what they were thinking.
In a second, I felt a small tickle running up my arm, almost like feathers.
"That." Lo'ak shouted, instinctively covering the ears of Tuk. His hands left her head, pointing to our bodies.
Each of our tails wrapping around one another's arms, squeezing lightly.

"Oh." Spider smiled, turning his head away from the group.
"They did! I owe Tsireya so many shells." Kiri laughed, covering her face with her hands. I felt the warmth of a smile creeping over my face, at a loss for words.
Our tails flicking against each other's skin, tracing over it.

"Dude, you said you wouldn't tell." Spider said, breaking the silence.
Lo'aks ears flipped up, tucking back behind his hair in a second. His mouth fell open, revealing a deep shock.
"No! I swear I didn't. She just knew!" He defended, throwing his hands over Tuk's ears again.

"Lo'ak! You're such a liar!" I laughed, grabbing my tail away from Spider's arm.
"It is true, though." I smiled to myself, holding the edges of my tail, tracing over its soft fur.
"Are you two to mate?" Kiri asked, widening her eyes to our bodies.
Spider's tail squeezed harder around my arm, earning a twitch from my ears.

"That wouldn't be too crazy. They're like Mom and Dad's age when they has Neteyam." Lo'ak added, picking up a handful of sand and threading it between his fingers.
"Maybe." I said, smiling to Spider. His eyes met mine, tilting his head with a grin.

"I could see such happiness between you two." Kiri spoke, pulling my attention away from Spider. She sat, caressing her sister's hair.

"Kiri, don't do that." Lo'ak snapped, smacking his sister's hand away from Tuk.
"If you wake her up, she'll definitely tell Dad. We're not supposed to be by the Lab, remember?" Lo'ak groaned, rubbing his eyes with his hands.

"Oh, quiet. I must know, Grey. How does it feel to have yourself a promised mate?" Kiri asked, clearly jumping to conclusions.
"Woah! We haven't decided." Spider cut in, placing a hand in front of my body.

"Spider, it is okay. We have yet to decide if this is for us, now. You both know there is so much going on. We don't know if we get to keep the bodies, either." I smiled, placing a hand on Kiri's knee.
Her smile warmed my soul, agreeing to every word I spoke.

"Right, bro. Like he doesn't know what he wants... some more body." Lo'ak rolled his eyes, looking to Spider with a devilish grin.
"Do not!" I laughed, taking my hand from Kiri's knee, gently smacking it against Lo'aks ear.

"Not for now." Spider smiles, placing a hand on my back.


"Time to go, love. Let's get up." Spider whispered, placing his hands underneath my body, lifting me up.
"No. I am tired, Spider." I groaned, trying to pull him back to the bed with me.

His hands slipped from under me, placing them against my face. A chaste kiss placed on my forehead, moving to lift my body up again.
"Next day, we must go." Spider smiled, finally picking up my body. My legs stood onto the ground, making my way to the link.

Into the pod I allowed my brain to become blank, feeling the tingles swallow my body. Awoken to a familiar feeling around my stomach. Spider laid against my back, hands wrapped around my waist, laying peacefully awaiting his link.
My body swung over the hammock, feeling the familiar water lapping around my ankles.

A sigh collapsed my lungs, closing my eyes to each feeling my new body brung to me.

Video Log:
Grey; Hello, it is Grey and Spider. Stop! I am recording take your hands off.
Each hour, the strength grows in our bodies, playing with each different aspect of our new life on the Island. Swimming, hunting and speaking in tongues that seem literally impossible for me. Spider knows more than I ever would.

Tomorrow I expect we will be doing the same. Spider do you have anything to say?

Spider: No, now come to bed. I miss you.

Grey: Must be Grey and Spider again. Nothing much to say today, I'm looking forward to this sleep.
Spider, what have we done today?
Spider: Grey, come to bed! Ugh!

Well, we swam. Learning to breathe.
Signing off. I have a man to attend to.

Spider: Grey is asleep, she had a hard day today. Na'vi is not to her liking.
Look at her, she sleeps like a child. Her skin looks so soft, and she looks happy.
I wish I could tell her so many things like how brave I feel she is, but I know it would complicate things more.

Going now, see to everything tomorrow.

Grey: This is Grey! Spider is outside, he has not come out yet. Lo'ak and Kiri visited again today, since the first day.
Lo'ak introduced me to his Ilu. We spent the entire hours in the water, they were trying to teach Spider and I-

Oh, there he is.

Trying to teach us the meaning behind the bond. It is something very special to the Na'vi . I would never understand it, that's something I'm afraid of.

Grey: There he is again, coming out of the link late.
How are you, love?

Spider: Hungry. Can you come to bed? I haven't seen you in days.
Grey: You are such a child. Today we have done nothing but weave. Tsireya and other village children wove a top, it is not finished but I am excited.
Coming! Signing out.

Spider: Every day she sits in front of this log even though it is late. I don't know why it's so important to her, see she sleeps now. Some days she get's very tired. It scares me sometimes, she even gets weak. I hope this isn't too much for her.
We did not link today, she seems exhausted. We walked the village instead, together.
I can just pray to Eywa that she isn't sick.
This is Spider, signing.

Spider: Grey and I linked again today. She seems better, it took her long to fall asleep so I think she's going back to normal.
The top she was making is finished, here it is.
It would be very pretty on her for her commune with Eywa, we have about 21 days.
Back out, this is Spider.

Grey: Whatever he has said, I am not sick. Sun fever, the village kids call it. It's common to new swimmers, I've been told. And lack of energy.
Spider: Exactly, you need to eat something. Please. Take this, I don't want it.

Grey: I don't need that, the baby does, huh? I'm calling it, it's not sun fever. I'm not even sick in my Na'vi body, only this one.
Spider: You might be right, love. Just eat, please. We have another day tomorrow.

Grey: Right. I am not pregnant, proven yet. But wouldn't that be cool? I think so.
Spider: You are crazy, Grey. Eat and then to bed, please.
She's signing out.

AN: so i decided😈 a twist is coming be prepared guys I'm so good at this.

How did you like this chapter? What was your favorite part?
I'm so excited for grey to be a potential mommy she's so omg

But don't forget the twist 😈😈😈idk how to foreshadow this part so I'm just literally putting it out there LOL

Much love to everyone -A.❤️❤️

Foreign: Spider SocorroWhere stories live. Discover now