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"We're waiting for the Tulkun to ascend to fully draw them out. There's a group of them returning from their journey. Perfect time to harvest, they're all together." Ian poke as he flipped through a large binder, the same one that cut my hand.

"We have eyes on a mother and her calf. Wont be too hard to separate her from the group." Scoresby shrugged, watching Ian flip through the binder. I couldn't help but wonder what exactly they were looking at. Biology, numbers?

"Hold on. A calf?" I spoke out of shock. My brains didn't register the thought before I voiced it. I felt my eyes widening as I looked to the team, they all stared to me.

"I... thought you would hunt the fully grown ones. Isn't that kind of how this works?" I shrugged, tilting my head to look away from the angry men. Ian shook his head with a smile, shutting the binder and guiding himself to a chair.

"Kid, we use the calf. If he leaves the pod, the mother will too." Scoresby rolled his eyes. His lips curled in a way of disgust, licking them as they fell down.

"Oh." I raised my eyebrows to the man. I saw Ian watch as I sat myself down into a chair, cold as usual. I saw the back of Spider as he still stood adjacent to where I did.
He had his arms crossed and his leg popped out, similar to how many of the men stood while making claims.

"Once they hit the top of the water, we strike. Here, pick one, kid." Scoresby motioned to Spider. His head shot to me and he questioned this with his eyes. They furrowed and looked back to the man.

"Nah. That's just not right, man." He spoke, sitting down with his arms shrugging in the air as to make a point.

"Fine." Scoresby groaned again. He turned his large head to the colonel, nodding.

"Tough kids, you got. Both yours?" He asked, clearly unaware of the situation.
The colonel took a step away from him, uncrossing his arms and putting them on his hips.

"Just the boy. But he don't mean nothing to me, the girl is the real asset here. Found him in the forest." Quaritch laughed. His hands shook against the jolting of his laughter, moving his arms up and down.
His gaze settled on Spider and I at a loss for words.

"The girl, ah, she's got a thing for that one right there." He whispered to Scoresby, pointing at us both. His hands shook in anticipation of Scoresby's response.
I felt Spider breathing against my arm, moving and twitching.

"Dude." He complained loudly, watching the eyes of his father as they talked quietly.

"Oh! I see it now, yeah. Troublemakers!" Scoresby joked, finally turning back to us.
Spider stared right through him, glaring with a death stare. I felt him seething with hot air through his nose. His hair swung with every dramatic breath, Scoresby saw this.

"She's pretty, 'eh? Nice hair, cultural outfit." He listed, tilting his head as he took a step over to me. I felt the breath of Spider burn more intense, seething harder. He couldn't speak over them, this boy would be in more trouble. After trudging his way through the ambush of the villages and brining back nothing, he was fondly hated. It wasn't even his fault.

I noticed the man approaching me closer, seemingly not stopping at a courteous distance. Soon enough, he stood right over me, beer belly hanging into my face.

"Good qualities for a warrior. Ever hunted?" Scoresby grilled me. He bent down with a click of his knees and stared to me. Another disgusted face.

"No?" I gagged, smelling his body. He stunk of the sea, and sweat. A very potent mix.
Spider sat, quietly watching him from his side eye. He didn't turn to him, confront him or speak. Silently stalking was his response, not usual as I've noticed.
"Well... these muscles show it." Scoresby finished, grabbing my arms and lifting them to the crew behind him.

Foreign: Spider SocorroWhere stories live. Discover now