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"Let's go. We're going in. Everybody sit. Grey, mask on." The blue man , Quaritch yells as a flood of blue bodies enter a small room with seats.

"You're not in Kansas anymore. We're going to Pandora. Now..." he pauses, turning his body to the people sat facing him.

He looks around to his friends.

"I know you're all asking yourself the same question. Why so blue?" He says with a smirk. A couple large Avatars around me began to laugh, one even nudged me with his elbow.

I slapped back, though. That joke was about as funny as a bee sting. I hate old people, sometimes. He just raised his eyebrows at me.

"For our sins, and our past life we have been brought back in the form of our enemy. This gives us their size, their strength, their speed. With our training, That's a pretty potent mix." The colonel continued.

"And the mission... tell them." I shouted from the back of the carrier.
All of their eyes darted to me. Sinister grins filled the faces of every blue body.

"Our mission is to hunt down and kill the leader of the Na'vi insurgency. The one they call Toruk Makto. Jake Sully." He finally finished
Cheers rattled the room. Many high-fives and fist bumps circled all of the crew. I wasn't happy. How was a girl going to find and kill a 10 foot blue man? And he's a leader? They've set me up.

They only told me to find him.. they said I would be safe. I thought.

Panic arose in my stomach. The lump grew closer to my throat and just as it was about to erupt the woman who I had first met barged into the room.

"There's been a sighting, an attack. We need the girl down there fast. Buckle up." She shouted as she looked at me and nodded once.
I put on my mask and clamped it down. Fresh air flew to my nose and into my body, my panic settled.

"What happened?" I asked the woman next to me. She blew a bubble with her chewing gum and side eyed me.

"No fuckin' idea." She chuckled as she kept her glare to the walls in front of her.

This is it. They're probably going to sacrifice me or something. I'm going to die.
I thought blankly as the room began to rattle and turn bright.

We were close.


As we thudded down onto an enormous metal base, everyone remained seated.
The woman from the lab quickly ran into the room and unbuckled me faster than I could say 'hello.'

"Grey, come on! Let's go. Everyone else stay put until the gates open! Go! Come on, girl! Get!" She yelled at me, shooing me with her hands.

"What? What, damn!" I snarled at her as she pushed me straight back onto the ship and to a smaller door.

"Take this. We need you out there now. Nothing will hurt a human girl." She hands me a piece of cloth and what looks like a pile of leaves.

"What the fuck even is this?" I say, but with even less time to finish she grabs my arm again.

Nothing will hurt a human girl? Right. I scoffed to myself as she held up a spare coat and shoved me into a corner.

"Change now. We need you to look like one of the people. Those are clothes, and that's a spare mask." She laughs as she averts her gaze.

Without question, panic arose in me.
I'm going out.

I quickly began to unbutton my pants and hoodie from the lab. The other guys got cool clothes, and I was stuck in a plain grey hoodie and cargos.

I grabbed the piece of cloth and looked at it, turning it in multiple directions as to see where it fit.

"Loincloth is the piece of blue cloth, the weeds are a top. Hurry up! What are you doing?" She said as her voice echoed from the other side of the lab coat.
"I'm going!" I scoffed as I slid the loincloth on my body.

I don't know how they got my measurements, but this was surprisingly comfortable.
It had one flap in the front and one in the back.

Literally what is this made from, ew.
I thought as I grabbed the top.
I slid off my bra and the leafy- wire top fit on perfectly.
This was also surprisingly comfortable and was covering only my breast, but it was traditional, I guess.

"Ok, done!" I growled as the lady dropped the coat.

"Let's go, now!" She laughed as she grabbed my arm, dragging me like a little kid.
I rolled my eyes and looked back to see the gates opening. My team was to be escorted inside the base, but where was I going?


As we approached a small door with vault-type locks, she turned to me one more time.

"You don't know him, but you will when you see him. This mask has a tracker. Find Jake Sully. And take this!" She reached into her pocket and pulled out a knife and sheathe.

It was made of heavy metal and leather.

"No. No, please! Don't make me go alone! I don't want to die.." I started tearing up and panic tingled in my feet.
My shoes, clothes, camera and dignity had been snatched by my own partners in seconds.

"You have to." She said as she unlocked the door.

"Just look." She said as she pointed outside.

I gasped as I turned to a forest. Glowing blue animals and large trees filled my vision. This was no Earth. It was green, white and purple, many colors.

"Wh-" just as I turned to speak, the woman pushed me out the door. Falling almost 5 feet, I hit the dirt with a humongous thud.
"I'm sorry. Find the man. We will be to get you at dark." The woman said as she closed the door.

"No! Please!" I cried and I banged on the outside of the ship.
"No!" I screamed one last time with tears running down my face.

"No." I whispered.

As I sat in the dirt, a familiar voice spoke in my ear.
"Get outta here, Grey."

The woman.

Just before I could figure out how to respond, it clicked out. Everyone was gone.
I stood from the dirt and fixed my hair.
It had been cut short to my shoulders, so there was not much to fix.

I looked to both sides of me before stepping once more onto soft grass. This place was so dangerous yet so beautiful.
Croaking and clicking came from the forest in front of me.. Waiting.

With tears in my mask, I closed my eyes and began to run.
Only a few steps I made it before opening them to see the ship moving behind me. They were attached to a large cart and moving far away.

My team walked out, meeting a woman in a large suit.


I looked to the trees, hundreds of feet tall.

"Alright, bitch. Don't cry." I laughed at myself, taking more steps into the deep.

The grass was so green despite the darkness from the shaded trees above. Sunlight shone through the gaps.
Trees now surrounded me front, back and sides.
Many creatures called from behind.

"You can't be afraid. Just run."
I told myself as I looked straight ahead.
A bioluminescent path seemed to light up.

Had someone been here before?
What is this?

AN: Omg. So... we're finally on Pandora.

I will download a description of the plants and animals to make it more realistic, but this chapter is just the beginning to our lovers story hehe

Remember to vote to reach this to as many Avatar lovers as possible!
Love ya<3

Foreign: Spider SocorroWhere stories live. Discover now