Part 2: 5

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"Grey, look." Lo'ak said, poking me on the shoulder. I sat in front of him, grasping the Ikran's horns. The forest peeked through the clouds, shining with the sunlight of the morning. Trees swayed and many banshees flew above them.

"I can't believe we're back. It feels like forever." I said, climbing to my knees to see farther. Lo'ak put a hand on my shoulder, balancing me.
"It has been a while. I'm just worried it won't feel the same. Neteyam always lights up a room, you know?" He said, pushing down on my arms.

"I know. I'm here if you want to talk about it, you know that." I said, sitting back down in my original position. My legs straddles over each side of the Ikran, holding on.

"Yeah, for sure. I'll let you know." Lo'ak said, swallowing hard.

"Should we wake Spider?" I asked, turning my head to look at them both. Spider sat behind Lo'ak, holding onto his arms.
"Nah, I don't think he got much sleep last night. It's going to be well into 2 day's trip, let him sleep." He smiled, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe, you're right. Can we stop off somewhere early? There's somewhere I want to show you since you're so curious." I asked, petting against the Ikran's tired skin.

"Yup. Where?" Lo'ak said, putting his head on my shoulder and squinting his eyes. He looked around for a moment, searching every area.

"Right on the edge of the mountains, that one river with the deepest pools." I chuckled, putting my hand against Lo'aks face and pushing him away.
I felt his nose scrunch under my hand, pulling his face away.

"Gross. And yeah, got 'ya." He smiled, wiping his nose.
His Ikran screeched, turning sharply. I felt the breeze under my arms, holding on tightly to the horns. Flying was like magic, certainly nothing you could do on Earth.


"Bro! Wake up. I got a call from Norm, there's some girl in the village that's hurt. They're flying out right now, I'm going to meet him. You guys find your way?" Lo'ak asks, pushing Spider with his back.
The Ikran landed on the edge of the waterfall, dumping us all to the rocks.

"Yeah, I got it." I smiled, offering Spider my hand as he became groggy.

"You sure? He weighs a ton." Lo'ak said, curling his lips at my attempt to hold up Spider.
"Got it." I said, pursing my lips.

Shrugging it off, Lo'ak jumped back to the Ikran. Whooping, they took off over the waterfall. I pushed all of my weight into Spider, feeling their wind start to knock us.
The spray of the Ikran's wings picked up water, misting us both.

"Hey! Look where we are, love." I whispered, pushing Spider's arm around my waist. With my touch, his eyes widened and searched around.
"Shit." He said, smiling with the corner of his lips. That curious smile.

"I asked Lo'ak to drop us. It's only a couple minutes walk to the base, and he went to meet Norm's jet." I reiterated, letting Spider drop his sleepy grip on my body.

"Right." He smiled, not paying attention to a word I say. His legs took his steps around the rocks and onto the path.
I watched as he hopped down, looking up at the trees. His hair blew in the wind, tilting his head back.
It was almost mesmerizing to see him here, back in the place where I found I loved him.

Spider turned, looking to me with the most glowing smile.

"Aren't you coming?" He said, furrowing his eyebrows.

With the giggle of a little girl, I started to him. My feet took me over small rocks, brining me to the drop. I put my arms out, latching them onto his hands to steady myself. He then gripped me by the waist, letting me jump. His hands caught me, lifting me and placing me onto the ground, softly.

My feet balanced, brining my body to him.
I let my eyes wander to his face, seeing that smile again. Heavy like the light shining onto us through the trees, my heart pounded. Lost in his smile, and eyes.


The base overgrown with vines, seeping through broken machine windows and pushing against the doors.
Untouched, part of the laboratory flowed in the sunlight.

"Look at that. Crazy." I pointed out, catching our attention to the one room with nothing on it.
The highest floor of the building, glass windows and ceiling. The observatory.

"Weird." Spider said, approaching the wall door. Flowers embedded themselves in the handle, glowing with small pecks of white.
He put his hand around them, slowly turning the handle, careful not to split the stems.
The door creaked, falling rust around the edges. Spider pushed with all of his strength, jerking the door open.

"Damn. Eywa really doesn't want anyone coming back here." He laughed, rubbing away the red lines on his hands.
"Right..." I said, unconnected from the conversation.  More important, the un-grown fauna onto the glass.

I put my hand on his back, stepping around him.

"Where to first?" He shouted, clicking the door shut and running to me. His breathe caught in his words as he spoke.
"Well, since the bodies aren't here, anywhere. We won't have people yelling to us this time." I said, biting the inside of my cheek.

A bittersweet moment. The home I'd known, the people. The memories.

"How about your room? Grab your stuff, huh?" He said, rubbing my back at the notice of my nerves. I put my hand around his waist, standing in front of the building with him.

"That sound okay?" He whispered, tilting his head to get into my line of sight.
Nodding once, he pulled me in for a small side-hug, emptying my nerves.

Then he said something I never knew he was capable of knowing.

"I know you're scared to see that machine." He snapped, grabbing my attention. My eyes flicked to him, my head following.
A gasp hitched at my lungs, flowing with cold air.

"I didn't know how else you'd get that scar. And when I went looking for you, I saw the blood. It all kind of connected." He sighed, licking his lips.
I watched as his eyes searched my face. Up and down, searching everything.

Sighing, I turned my head away, I felt the tears forming. The memories flooded into my mind, the flashing lights and the sound of my skin tearing from my back.

One hell of a visit.

I remembered the many cloths filled with blood, the bubbling sound of the powder clotting the blood. The sting of the wrap pulling away from my inflamed skin. The blood dropping onto the cold floor, covering my feet. I remembered the skin peeling, uncovering the scar again. I remember the feeling, the hatred and the fear.

"Stop thinking about it." Spider said, putting his hands onto my biceps. He made my eyes look to him, staring deeply to me.

"We don't have to go to your room, just say the word." He smiled, pulling me in for a hug. I felt the shakiness of his body against mine, chilling my thoughts again.

"There's nothing in there I need. I'm starting fresh." I cleared my throat, getting away from the raspy teared voice.
Spider nodded against my back, letting me go. His arms fell to his side as he pushed his tongue into the side of his cheek.
"How about the observatory?" He smiled, excitement forming in his body.

I nodded, letting the chilling thoughts slip away. One of our most memorable moments in the place we share company again. It was a time to let go, go move onto the future. The future is now, our bodies awaited, our hearts and families within them.


I'm scared for Grey tbh she seems kinda depresso like girl u abt to get the dick of ur life pls cheer up

(Ofc she doesn't know that yet😈)

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Happy reading, -A.❤️❤️

Foreign: Spider SocorroTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang