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3 long days has passed through the lab, out in the forest. Each day I felt more guilt about our kiss. A kiss that still tingles on my lips at the thought of him.

It was tender, but soft. His hands felt like fire behind my head, holding me to him.
I was so right, but so wrong.

No matter how much I learned, how much he assured me that I wouldn't cause terror and fear, it still was there in the back of my head.

The lab felt quiet, every day growing more intense and uncomfortable. The spark of our love remained in that room where we first embraced eachother.


Day 1:
A day like every other.
Cold, dark mornings, regrouping in the lab rooms, sent out into the forest and returning with nothing.

Inside the lab, I see him.
He crouches near a screen, watching the flashes of a map change across it.
He does not look to me, but that is not a matter.

His hair swings behind him as small pieces fall out of his tied ponytail. He hands trace the metal desk, from edge to edge.
Veins scatter his skin, starting from his forearm and to the base of his fingers.

"God." I whispered to myself as I tried to keep myself busy. Grabbing my loincloth, I began to fumble with the tassels. I braided them into a thin braid to keep my eyes off of him.

I looked back up to see his eyes watching me. Darting from my hands to my chest, he stared.

Watching his chest rise and fall, feelings took over my body. Sparking in me, I stood up. My body tingled in every inch and it became unbearable. I wanted nothing more but to run to him and kiss him again, to feel his soft lips against mine just one more time.

"Fuck." I whispered, sitting myself back down onto a lab chair and avoiding him.
The day played on.

Research, shouting, lists. And staying far away from Spider. I couldn't take it anymore.

Day 2:
Another day.
The lab was filled with the same people as the day before. Returning from a trip to the forest, the avatars leaned over the map in the middle of the room.

Spider sat today as I walked through the lab, looking at the weapons splayed out on the table. He was fiddling with a small piece of wood that was brought back from the trip, shaping it with a knife he carried on his body.

Looking up at me, he smiled and dropped his knife.
With a clank, the group looked over. The colonel had a furrowed glare on his face and rolled his eyes.

Looking over to the colonel, I sighed, smiling and turning away from Spider. I couldn't face him yet, what would I say?

"Kissing you was amazing, let's do it again?"

It's just awkward. Even though my heart longed to be with him again, I couldn't speak to him. 
I turned away from him and scrunched my face in embarrassment.

I followed the metal halls until I reached a large door.
I hadn't been out before. Taking a spare mask, I pressed it onto my face and it pressurized.

Opening the door, I saw an abundance of suits and machines.
Many people worked outside as I walked, fascinated by the size and technology of the new world.

Foreign: Spider SocorroWhere stories live. Discover now