Part 2: 11

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Video Log:

Spider: How is it that we still have so many days? I can't wait.
Norm called, he said there were no complications with the body, and it was safe to introduce them to the village. That is what we are doing tomorrow?

Grey: Oh, yes. We will be visiting the village for the first official time. And I have news for you Spider.
Come here.
Spider: You might as well tell the camera, our whole lives are documented on it.
Grey: Right. I talked to Lo'ak, and he told me that if we were to mate, it would cause many problems. He said his parents were in a lot of trouble... that's all. We should not be following footsteps that could have us cast out.

Spider: Grey, I don't want to rush anything. I'd rather just spend this time with you, we don't have to do what everybody wants. Jake took me in as his own, he's looking out for us.
Now, camera we are going. Spider out.

Grey: Spider is in a mood today. Jake talked to him about some things he doesn't wish to share. I guess it was about us.

Spider: It was. He was talking about Lo'ak and Kiri, actually. I guess one of them let it spill that we were to be promised together. He told me he wouldn't have another family running around so soon. Turn off the camera, please.

Grey: Exactly. We won't, I don't expect it to be for a long time. It sounds so controversial that we are promised, we are still kids. Oh, the camera. I don't want to ruin this life you have planned, Spider.

Spider: Grey, I don't know what to talk about. Can we just go? Do I have to?

Grey: Yes! Max said it's good for the brain. Talk about anything.
Spider: Fine. Lo'ak won't stop talking about us having a kid! He's being so annoying, if Neteyam were here he would definitely stop it. And with whatever happened, you're not even pregnant, Grey. Oh shit.

Grey: Like you said, the camera knows everything. We don't have to talk about it. Just turn it off.
Grey and Spider out.

Grey: Okay, you are right. There is nothing to talk about, Spider.
Tomorrow we are to the village again, that's really it. I can't believe how many days of the same thing have passed.
Spider: Right. Come to bed, then?

Grey: Of course, one last thing.
Look at this, I don't feel weak anymore! I can standup on my own finally. I think that... however it happened that I am not with child. Hopefully, everyone seems against it. And we are too. We are 18 next year, still a lot of time for that.
Spider: Grey!

Grey: Sorry! I don't want to cause any trouble, Spider. I've don't enough since I have arrived here. I'm going!

Spider: We aren't talking about that again! Lo'ak is just going to have to give it up.

Grey: He won't stop until he gets what he wants, Spider. He wants to be right all the time, he wants to be right about us.
Spider: He is, in a way. Come here, love. It shouldn't be this stressful for us, we should be making the best out of this. Only a few more days, okay? Then we get to decide what happens. I haven't said this enough: I love you. Everything will work out for us.

Grey: I love you.

Spider: This is Spider, look at what the kids in the village made for Grey. They made her a pouch for the shells she collects. We don't talk enough about the village do we?
Grey: Not really. Mostly about the complications with the family. How hard can I roll my eyes?

Spider: Yeah, well it is hard to ignore it. But the pouch, you look beautiful. It matches your eyes. I'm sorry we've been fighting for so long, this should've been fun.
Grey: Everything will work out, right?
Spider: As long as I have you. Can we go to bed now?

Grey: It's Spider and Grey! How many more days? It's getting excruciating. Today we swam in the corals and I got this scratch right along my arm, it was the worst. Spider? Oh. Well, he is asleep.
But the scratch, it ran right along this part, near my shoulder and down to the inside of my elbow.
It would just be another scar but, I think this one is from a better memory. A better one...
I will see to this later. Goodbye!

Spider: She's asleep, I can't be bothered to do this but I know she would yell at me for hours if I don't. 
Today Ronal and Tonowari gave us our very own Ilu. Grey has trouble with that, she has never formed a bond before. I haven't either but, I've lived with Na'vi my entire life. I think it tired her out. But look, doesn't she look so happy this way. I'm happy she finally has found a life where she looks so content.
I should go.
No, look. Everything that has happened, I feel so strongly for her now. Each day is just longer and harder to see her struggle with her dream. I wish I could help her.
I have to go now. Over and out.

Spider: It's Spider again. Grey is still linked, she wanted some time alone. Tsireya and Lo'ak took us to visit the Spirit tree today. I wonder what she saw... I know what I saw.
Within the memories, it was a wish. It was a child. Without a face. The voices, there were so many. It was something about the conceivable child?
The voices spoke about a human child within Eywa, waiting to return to his family when they are ready. Does that mean Eywa will take or took the child from us? Or does that mean there was never a child to begin with? It's all so complicated.

Grey: I did not link today. Spider visited the village on his own. We have 10 more days until we are to be committed to Eywa. I'm afraid for myself. Yesterday I had spoken to the voices. They showed me a child, a family without faces. I couldn't see myself, though. I'm worried.
Spider: I had the same experience. Similar.

Grey: Did you? What do you think it means?
Spider: I don't know. I think the camera is getting to your head, come to bed with me? Turn that off, love.

Grey: I'm out. See you tomorrow!

AN: girl this was so hard to write OMG.

It will make sense I promise 😔
Much love - A.❤️

Foreign: Spider SocorroWhere stories live. Discover now