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"We need to get out of here! Everybody on!" The colonel yelled. He waved his arm and his Ikran's wings opened and pushed him and Spider into the air. I sat with Dex as he pushed his Ikran into the air. The air stirred in my ears and the wind was cold on my skin. The day crept onto us as we left the base.

"Do you know where we're going?" I shouted to him over the wind. Dex turned his ear to me and watched me from his side eye.

"Yeah. A base over on the coast." He pointed in a direction with miles and miles of forest. I watched as his hand dropped and fell back to the skin of the Ikran. My eyes looked over the forest to see it stretch.

"Yeah..." I agreed. I still held onto the back of his gear-bag and watched the others floating in the air.

I felt the push of the Ikran and his breath puffing into his stomach. I clung to the bag and we picked up speed. It felt like we were going at light speed the way the wind curled the back of my hair and whipped it into knots.

Spider hung to the back of his fathers gear-bag like I and his hair swung behind him, too. The forest raced under my feet, disappearing into streaks of green and black colors. My eyes were caught on every trace of color that came to them.

Soon the trees went from tightly packed to spaced with small pools of water between them. These small pools traced into larger and larger holes until they connected to a thrashing dark ocean. Colors of grey entered my vision as we trailed along the edge of the forest.

"Hanging out alright, kid?" Dex said to me suddenly.

"You're being quiet." He said as I ignored him. Certainly, I couldn't admit to him I was afraid. Dex was my best friend here, and for him to see me break would break him too.

I liked to pretend that all the time I was okay, but sometimes the big feelings I harbored would take over. Almost months ago now, I would pick at the old scars to see them bleed, to feel like I was that day. The controlled pain helped to keep the swelling feelings down.

But nobody needed to know that.

"Miss your boyfriend?" Dex said again. I wanted to scream at him to be quiet. I felt angry that we were leaving yet another place I had known happiness. Dex would be the only one who knew that feeling, but he wouldn't be trouble with me.

"He's not my boyfriend." I muttered under a quiet breath. My fingers picked at the gear in the bag so I could distract myself.

Like he heard my thoughts, Dex laughed and turned to me.

"Yeah, he is. I saw you two go up to that observatory." He smiles, turning back to the Ikran in front of him.

My jaw dropped open in surprise. How could he have seen us go there? The lab was empty? Did he see anything else? Did he know?

"Don't worry, I don't want to know what happened." He claimed with a hand in the air. I smacked him on the shoulder and gave him an angry look.

"Oh my gosh! Shut up?" I yelled at him. He noticed as my lips smiled with the thought of us. I imagined the feeling of our bodies close as they were last night. I could taste his kiss in my mouth, and the fireworks from it. They were the only promising people here on Pandora.

I heard Dex chuckling and saw his hand rubbing the small red spot on his shoulder.
He turned his head back farther to me and tucked his hair behind his ear.

"Just promise me, Grey. And don't lie... there's not going to be another little person running around is there?" He said with a stern motion of his hand. I could tell he was trying to say it in a joking manner while remaining serious on the face.

"Woah! 100 percent I am not pregnant!" I yelled to him.

"Okay, okay. You know we have things for that here, right? Just get your boyfriend to ask me, first." He laughed, relieving the serious face.

I rolled my eyes and let the smile finally paste onto my skin.


"Hang on!" The colonel yelled, pulling down the Ikran over a large ship. It blew large sprays of water out from its fans and started out over the water.

"Hang on, do they know we're coming?" I shouted to Dex over the cries of the Ikran and the whir over the large ship.

"Well... they will?" He said with a shrug.

Groaning, I sat back on my elbows. I felt the skin of the Ikran again. Flashbacks came to my mind of the first time I felt Spider's touch on my skin igniting with fire. I remember his hands on the small of my back and the breath of the large animal.

Shaking my head away from those ungodly thoughts, I looked back to the ship.
We drew in closer with every second. Smaller ships floated in the water near the largest one, almost protecting it from the sides.

"Shit! Are those subs?" I yelled, getting up from my position and standing.

Dex turned around quickly with the feeling of my hands on his shoulders.
"Dammit, Grey! Sit down!" He yelled at me, trying to swat me down with a free hand.

"No, stop!" My voice cracked as the wind blew into my face and through my mouth.
I placed my feet wider apart and looked further. The Ikran approached a small clearing on the end of the ship and I prepared myself to jump down.

"Everyone down." Dex ordered. I jumped from the side of the Ikran with excitement.

"Wait up!" I heard behind me as new people looked to us from inside the ship.
Spider came running towards me, his father behind him with troubling steps. He jumped off a few platforms confidently before perching on one.

I took my body to him, grabbing his hand and pulling myself up to stand on the railing he was.

"They look pissed." I chuckled.
I could see many people scrambling for masks and unlocking doors.

A group of tired, old men came outside.

"Hey." Spider waved, raising one hand to the men. They ignored him blankly. I tried to stifle a laugh but couldn't hold it in. I turned to Spider and put my face in his chest, quietly laughing at the men's face.

"You Scoresby?" Our colonel boomed over them.

Looking to his Ikran, the man in the front of the group spoke up.

"You the asshole that's commandeering my ship?" He retorted. Just as I recovered from what happened before, a laugh rose in me again.

Spider stared between me and his father, annoyed.

"That would be me." Quaritch evilly responded.

We had overthrown a ship?

What the fuck?

AN: I didn't know how to end this section UGH

how did you like the little dad-ish moment between Dex and Grey? I love their bond sm it's so cute

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Much love to you guys! Thank you for reading❤️ -A.

Foreign: Spider SocorroWhere stories live. Discover now