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Again, another week had passed by. Filled with trips out of the lab into the forest, laughing and feeling at home in the forest.
Today we are going out again.

I awoke from my thoughts as the plane drifted over the forest-tops.
I had sat on a small bench, drawing shapes in the gritted metal with my fingertips.
The metal was cold and slid quickly under my skin.

"You two stay out of the way today. We need you covering ground, again. Just keep walking." Quaritch yelled.
He shifted in his seat. Being the blockade from a strong wind from the plane, there was a sudden cold gust over my body.

"Yes, sir." I yelled to him, fixing my mask because the wind blew it slightly out of place.

"Got that, boy?" He yelled again, turning to Spider.

He stood with his body hanging out of the plane, ignoring the world around him.
"Yeah!" He said, whooping and smiling as we came closer to the ground

"Not, get in here! We can't have you dead." The colonel growled, grabbing him by his arm and tugging him lightly.
You could see the annoyance covering his face. Clearly, Spider did not want to listen to him.

He pursed his lips and sat angrily.
Raising my eyebrows to him, I seemed to say 'I told you so,' with my face.


"Like we said, cover as much ground as you can. Anything to lead us to the base of the Omatikaya. Get out." Quaritch yelled as we ventured deeper into the forest.

"Yes, we know. Trackers. Blah, blah, blah." I rolled my eyes as the colonel paused.
"Come on. It's the same everyday." I finished. Smiling coyly and playfully pushing Spider for backup.

He looked to me with a sigh. Fiddling with the edges of his loincloth, he began to walk towards me.
"She's right." He rolled his eyes.
Growling deep in his throat, the colonel cocked his gun and turned away.
I looked over to Spider with a playful grin on my face.

The last week had been filled with joyous trips into the forest, visiting the animals and learning about the plants. Spider had taught me about how the Na'vi lived among the forest. They used every last part, living equally with Eywa.

It was so beautiful how he experienced this. He talked about the forest like it was his home.

Taking a few steps in the opposite direction, Spider looked around to the trees.
"Wanna see something cool?" He said, running over to a big tree and grabbing a low hanging limb.

"Well, obviously!" I laughed, following him as he pulled himself up to the branch. He began to climb higher. Watching as his muscles expanded with every move, he stopped to perch on a branch, high above.

"Holy shit!" He laughed, looking down at me.

I knew what was coming next. Adrenaline pumped through my body as he began to stand up. He wobbled in the wind as he found his balance.
"Hey, Grey! Come on, loser." He yelled, looking around.

"I can't do that!" I yelled back up to him, fixing my hair as it blew in the constant wind. I observed the green leaves scattering the branch he perched on.

Fuck it.

"Fine." I said to myself, grabbing the same branch he did. I didn't know it would be so hard just to get myself up onto one branch, but I wanted to try. Pushing myself off of he branch I now stood on, I jumped for the next. Grabbing the bark pieces, I made my way up the leaning tree.

Foreign: Spider SocorroWhere stories live. Discover now